Kerbal Attachment System (KAS)

Kerbal Attachment System (KAS)


Survey stakes from EPL exploding

Rebelgamer opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Kospy, I originally posted this in the EPL issue tracker, but I believe it's more to do with KAS.

For some reason, the survey stakes are exploding at my base on Minmus. Their not destroying anything, just themselves.

First time it happened, I had dropped the stake on the ground(accidentally), and when I went to grab it, it gave me the option to attach. So I did. Boom. Big boom. No damage to the kerbal or anything else, I figured I shouldn't attach a stake that is laying on the ground without grabbing it first.

The second time is stranger. I had 2 stakes layed out, one origin, one Z+, so I could place base sections in the orientation I wanted. After the module was built, I decided to go on a long eva for more science(I did not move the stakes). On my way back, base loaded just fine when I crossed the 2.5km barrier, and for almost a minute after that. When I got within 200m of the base, both stakes exploded(which is rather spectacular considering their just a metal rod).

I'm not going to post my log file, it's over 2m lines because of an issue with a radiator in interstellar.

[LOG 11:03:37.669] [Bildin Kerman Base]: ground contact! - error: 0.001m
[LOG 11:03:37.670] Unpacking Bildin Kerman Base
[LOG 11:03:37.670] [KAS] OnVesselGoOffRails(Core) Re-attach static object
[LOG 11:03:37.671] [KAS] JointToStatic(Base) Create kinematic rigidbody
[LOG 11:03:37.672] [KAS] JointToStatic(Base) Create fixed joint on the kinematic rigidbody
[LOG 11:03:37.701] [Bildin Kerman Base]: ground contact! - error: 0.001m
[LOG 11:03:37.702] Unpacking Bildin Kerman Base
[LOG 11:03:37.702] [KAS] OnVesselGoOffRails(Core) Re-attach static object
[LOG 11:03:37.703] [KAS] JointToStatic(Base) Create kinematic rigidbody
[LOG 11:03:37.704] [KAS] JointToStatic(Base) Create fixed joint on the kinematic rigidbody
[WRN 11:03:44.659] Vessel Bildin Kerman Base crashed through terrain on Minmus
[LOG 11:03:44.660] [00:07:15]: Bildin Kerman Base crashed into Minmus.
[LOG 11:03:44.662] [KSP Interstellar] Handling Impactor
[LOG 11:03:44.664] [KSP Interstellar] Handling Impactor
[LOG 11:03:44.665] ExSurveyStake (Bildin Kerman Base) Exploded!! - blast awesomeness: 0.5
[LOG 11:03:44.668] [ExSurveyStake (Bildin Kerman Base)]: Deactivated
[LOG 11:03:44.669] [EL ST] RemoveStake Bildin Kerman Base Minmus
[LOG 11:03:44.670] [EL ST] isClose 200
[LOG 11:03:44.670] [EL ST] isClose [-100.01253799742, 69.4178895199057, -14.2400182631318] [-100.387158758938, 68.9208225027969, -16.3022384799624] 4.64016855716305 40000
[LOG 11:03:44.671] [EL ST] isClose 200
[LOG 11:03:44.672] [EL ST] isClose [-100.387158758938, 68.9208225027969, -16.3022384799624] [-100.387158758938, 68.9208225027969, -16.3022384799624] 0 40000
[WRN 11:03:44.674] Vessel Bildin Kerman Base crashed through terrain on Minmus
[LOG 11:03:44.675] [KSP Interstellar] Handling Impactor
[LOG 11:03:44.676] [KSP Interstellar] Handling Impactor
[LOG 11:03:44.677] [Explosion] Combined.
[LOG 11:03:44.678] ExSurveyStake (Bildin Kerman Base) Exploded!! - blast awesomeness: 0.5
[LOG 11:03:44.679] [ExSurveyStake (Bildin Kerman Base)]: Deactivated
[LOG 11:03:44.680] [EL ST] RemoveStake Bildin Kerman Base Minmus
[LOG 11:03:44.681] [EL ST] isClose 200
[LOG 11:03:44.681] [EL ST] isClose [-100.387158758938, 68.9208225027969, -16.3022384799624] [-100.01253799742, 69.4178895199057, -14.2400182631318] 4.64016855716305 40000
[EXC 11:03:44.682] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
ExLP.ExSurveyTracker+SurveySite.get_Item (Int32 index)
ExLP.ExSurveyStation.get_vessel ()
ExLP.ExBuildControl.onVesselWasModified (.Vessel v)
EventData`1[Vessel].Fire (.Vessel data)
Part.Die ()
Part.explode ()
Vessel.FixedUpdate ()

For now, I'll just pull stakes after done building.


Cleaning issues not related to the next version of KAS (KAS Grab/Storage will be removed and replaced by KIS).


Related to this is that when you leave physics range, and then return(EVA or flight), pipe ends that are attached to ground pylons shift, and are no longer attaches to the pylon. After reattaching to the pylon and relinking, they work fine. This only seems to apply to they pylons, pipe ends attached to craft do not appear to shift.