Kerbal Engineer Redux

Kerbal Engineer Redux


Delta-V Values in Kerbal Engineer Redux Wong, and Disagree with those in Staging Interface

Stargrazer82301 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I have been a very happy K.E.R. user for many years. However, I have recently found that the delta-V values provided by K.E.R. disagree with those provided by the game's built-in staging interface. The K.E.R. ones are definitely wrong.

I have attached screenshot for an example rocket, where K.E.R. says that stage 2 provides no delta-V, whilst the built-in staging interface says that stage 2 provides 3439 m/s. Stage 2 absolutely provides a lot of delta-V!

I will also note that for this exact same rocket, K.E.R. used to provide correct delta-V values.

It is also not just a difference due to atmosphere, either; I have attached screenshots for the example rocket, showing values with atmosphere enabled and disabled.

No Atmosphere

Appreciate any help.


can you provide a ship file so I can reproduce this?