Kerbal Inventory System (KIS)

Kerbal Inventory System (KIS)


Can't drop items in seats/containers

senden9 opened this issue ยท 12 comments



i can't drop items in seats/containers. Because a picture says more that 1000 words and a video consists of many pictures i uploaded a screencast that shows the issue.


  • I use a manual downloaded version 1.1.2 of KSP.
  • KIS v1.2.9
  • OS: Arch Linux
  • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4430 CPU
  • RAM: 16GB
  • GPU: GeForce GTX 650 Ti


  • InfernalRobotics
  • kRPC
  • InfernalRobotics-LegacyParts
  • KIS
  • KerbalAlarmClock
  • KerbalOpticalAlignmentSystem
  • KAS
  • TweakScale
  • RasterPropMonitor
  • SCANsat
  • DockingPortAlignmentIndicator
  • Toolbar
  • ContractConfigurator
  • ModuleManager
  • RasterPropMonitor-Core
  • KerbalEngineerRedux

All mods installed though CKAN.


Could you please give a screenshot in some more common format (jpg, png, etc)? I have no idea what ".webm" is.


WebM is a video file format. I think it is relatively common. I have uploaded it to YouTube because i think a video is better that a screenshot in this case. YouTube reduced the resolution of the video.


This format is not common on Windows. At least not in Windows 7 or 10 :)

Are you on a laptop? Could you please check debug logs?


KSP runs on a PC. I will check/upload the logs when I'm at home again.


Here is the Player.log.


I don't see any errors in the log. Have you tried to reproduce the issue before grabbing it? Can you drag/drop items if only KIS and KAS installed?


Yes. I deleted the log, reproduced the bug and upload the logfile.

I try it with a new KSP installation folder and a new savegame. Here is the new log: Player.log.txt. The only installed mods are now KIS, KAS and Module Manager. (I doesn't really need this mod but it sound nice. If you have no ideas we can also stop investigation.)


Good! Looks like drag-n-drop works slightly different in Linux player. Btw, you may bind other shift keys if you don't like Ctrl. See details here:


But if i click and hold the mousebutton, move the cursor and release the button everything works like expected.

This is what we call "drag-n-drop". The mod is designed to work this way :)


Still nothing in the log. I see messages saying KIS has loaded but there is nothing related to the items drag-drop. No errors, nothing. It looks as UI just never tried to grab any item.

Try the following. Change field partGrabModifiers in settings.cfg to value AnyControl. Then, reload the game and in the editor try dragging parts with Ctrl key pressed.

If it doesn't help then I give up. Looks like a specifics of Linux player. As a last resort try system drivers update and clean resinstall of the game. Or consider running game under wine, it may help if the issue is Linux related.


Hey, the modification with "partGrabModifiers" helps :)
If you need it, here is another Player.log.txt. But from me this is solved.

Edit: It also works without this modifications and with the other mods installed. Therefore i clicked on a item, then move the cursor and clicked again. The modwindow doesn't works. But if i click and hold the mousebutton, move the cursor and release the button everything works like expected.


OK. This was some sort of layer 8 problem. But thanks for your time.