Kerbal Inventory System (KIS)

Kerbal Inventory System (KIS)


Tool Parts (wrench, drill, ext) not showing up on parts list

TeflonDon262 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I went as far as only installing KIS and KAS to test this but even with only those mods installed the tools aren't showing up at all in the part list. I do still get the containers and other parts but no tools for construction


How did you install the mods? Please, provide KSP.log.


I got the newest release of it again, installed it, parts still missing but then i deleted all other mods and they showed up. I installed it per normal mod install, KIS and KAS were placed in the gamedata folder. It had to be another mod causing the issue because like I said once I deleted the mods the parts showed up, still not sure what mod caused the issue because I eventually installed all the mods back and there no issue anymore. Sry for the waste of time but I just couldn't figure it out, I've used your mods since before 1.0 and I think they are essential parts for KSP. Thanks for the hard work and I'll post a ksp.log if the problem comes back from a possible mod conflict


I have a similar problem, but KSP is stuck forever loading KIS/Parts/wrench/part/KIS_wrench .
I cant load the game because it keeps breaking (ie. stops loading) at this point, although I can close the game and etc. Anybody know whats going on?


We need KSP.log file to investigate. It most likely is a mod conflict issue.