Kerbal Inventory System (KIS)

Kerbal Inventory System (KIS)


Quicksave load of an Engineer EVA'd with screwdriver leads to out of control spin

glennfu opened this issue ยท 9 comments


I've had this happen to me twice using the 1.1.4 release where I loaded a save where an engineer was standing still on the surface. This last time, I EVA'd my engineer, hopped to the ground, then took 1 flexo tube and a screwdriver from the inventory of the pod and transferred it to the inventory of my engineer. Then I hopped close to the module I planned on using it for, then quicksaved.

After that, I did a couple things, messed stuff up, and held F9 to load my last quicksave. Instantly, my engineer is spinning and bouncing out of control, and there's a 5'ish meter long V shaped pole sticking out of her spinning out of control with her. After a few moments, she disappears and my focus is switched to a nearby module. I go to the Space Center, and see something like "Sieselle Kerman could not be recovered... unknownPart".

What does this mean, and what do I do? If I go back to the module, Sieselle Kerman has been placed back into the original module, but now her inventory is empty so the screwdriver is gone.


Some better notes after I re-did the same landing:

  1. 2 Kerbals (1 engineer) in an MKS pod.
  2. Engineer hops out, can easily hop back in.
  3. Engineer grabs a screwdriver, can still hop back in.
  4. Engineer grabs 1 Flexotube, CANNOT hop back in. I get an error saying that I can't enter a full pod.

Engineer at this point is permanently bugged. If she puts the 1 Flexotube back in the pod's inventory, she still CANNOT hop back into the pod. If I put her in another pod, she seems to disappear with her portrait missing from the bottom right of the screen. If I switch to the original pod, she's there, but with an empty inventory.

So basically, I can't get a Flexotube from the inventory without bugging out the Engineer.


Can you send me your ksp log file when the problem happen ?
Also, what is the Flexotube ? It is part of mks ?


Yes that's part of MKS. I'll work on getting you a log file later today.


So I can't seem to reproduce it today. Maybe it got fixed by the 1.0.2 -> 1.0.4 upgrade? Who knows. However there's still a similar/related issue.

Go to Minmus Base Alpha, where Seiselle is standing on the ground EVA'd. She has a drill and a flexotube in her inventory. If you get back in the station, then view her inventory, it's empty. EVA again, inventory still empty.

Here's a log file:


I think it's related to pod without internal. I heard that MKS has this kind of parts.
This issue should be fixed in the next version of KIS.


Whatever the case, I've been using the same eva + screwdriver + flexotube many time since and haven't hit this bug. I think it's safe to close this!


I have uncontrollable spin with EVA'd engineer, with SC-62 Portable Container on his back. nothing I can do will stop the spin, and it uses up Propellant. Time-warp & "/" stop the spin, but it starts up again immediately.


Well, it's unusual. The container on the back, as well as the other equipped items, are not physical. I.e. they don't have mass or momentum. Could you please recheck this issue in a pristine game, without the other mods?


And I need the logs of course.