Kerbal Inventory System (KIS)

Kerbal Inventory System (KIS)


Allow Attachment of Parts with Children

svm420 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


As the title states. I would love to be able to attach part that already have other parts attached to it. We are now able to detach parts with children, so I hope this would be possible as well. I want to be able to add girder segments to my station that have lights in 3x symmetry attached that I would have to hand place one by one as an example. Didn't see the issue posted, so I'll close it if this is open elsewhere. Thanks!


I'm working on this solution and pretty close to finishing with it. Moving of a hierarchy of parts is very different from moving of just a single part. There are many caveats. Expect to see a complete solution in teh following week.


Alpha version is ready. Though, until author of the addon approved and integrated the change it should be considred "alpha".


Wow going to try this now Thank you so much!


Released in v1.2.4