Kerbal Planetary Base Systems

Kerbal Planetary Base Systems


Unable to enter (IVA) Habitat Mk2 or Greenhouse - no crash, no error, just 'Hatch Locked'

ZoeESummers opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I've been unable to provide any logs as there is no 'error' or 'crash', just simply Im unable to enter via eva or iva either the greenhouse module or the Habitat Mk 2 module.

(The last two on the left side of the screen)


What else can I provide to help diagnose this?


I recommend going over the the FreeIVA dev, as they are one who maintains the free iva patches for parts, they can also check out the hatch locked issue.


Sorry for the late reply. Both modules need to be deployed before any Kerbal can enter them.
Have you tried during flight to deploy/expand the modules you mentioned and tried to enter then?