KSP Interstellar Extended

KSP Interstellar Extended


Cryo Tanks compatibility

bHXDgiuMa5yLHyC8 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I am very glad you made KSPIE compatible with Nertea's CryoEngines and CryoTanks. However, IFS only allows you to fill tanks with hydrogen and oxygen, not hydrogen and oxidizer, which his engines require. In addition, the ability to fill tanks with hydrogen does not unlock at the same place in the tech tree as the engines themselves do, making them unusable at their intended tech level.


LH2O was supposed to a Hydrogen Oxidizer mix for use with by Nertea's CryoEngines, but I now see it uses LqdOxygen instead. I will correct the mistake in the next release


I'm using Cryo Tanks via Cryogenic Engines, and I noticed the tanks do not consume EC for cooling, which they are supposed to do. It appears to be KSPIE's doing, because removal of the mod causes the tanks to consume EC as advertised.


Should have been fixed