KSP Recall

KSP Recall


Check Driftless on KSP 1.11 and 1.12 and fix any problems

Lisias opened this issue ยท 9 comments


As the tittle says


KSP 1.11 needs an specialised version of Driftless, that would act only on Yaw, as the drift itself is fixed on it.

KSP 1.12 too.


The heavy drifting reported on KSP 1.12 is due a less than ideal decision on the default values for some new code that, effectively, solved the problem.

Source 1

Source 2

So I'm still unsure if this should be, indeed, tackled down on Recall. I will leave this open in the mean time, just to prevent this to be forgotten.


Post edit: Stock KSP is heavily yawing the craft.

On Driftless, the yawing is way less severe, but the craft drifted downhill (or down airstrip). This suggests Driftless would make a good use of a "anchor".


This is a test of stability of landed vessels wihout KSP Recall

I reproduced a setup I had used in the past: two kerbals, two crafts.


And then a 3rd big one on the scene, to stress the physics engine.


About 10 minutes later, the Kerbals and crafts are still on their places:


But the big craft has drifted a lot...


This suggests me that;

  1. KSP Recall's Driftless is not needed on KSP 1.11
  2. KSP implemented a hack similar to Driftless, otherwise the big craft would not had drifted. :P

IMHO a proper fix would be clamping the torques on every part on the Physics engine itself, instead of zeroing them on the top level. But... I'm not the KSP developer, and I don't have all the information - so I can't criticize the solution . :)

edit: here, a KSP Team member explains the reasoning for this behaviour. Something on the PhysX engine demands a brute force solution to prevent drifting - but Squad forgot to apply it on the torque too!!!


Now I installed KSP Recall to check if it enhances, worse or just dry run on the same setup.

First, I replace the big craft using VesselMover (it's working fine, by the way)


Then I leaved the game alone for 10 minutes.


And then...


Well, the big craft drifted again, but WAY LESS than the stock solution on the Yaw axis....


Veredict: KSP-Recall Driftless is not needed on KSP 1.11, but it's still useful on borderline situations.

I will not prevent it from installing itself on KSP 1.11.


On the other hand, since Drfitless can still be useful on KSP 1.11, I think it is a good idea to further investigate if there's a way to still act when the physics engine is overloaded


Squad Team provided an pretty good explanation about this here.

So... I changed my mind, I will reopen this and see how Recall could help.


Interestingly, the Stock anti-drift works most of the time - but not always.


I just launched this monster, leaved it parked the whole morning and came back to see what I got.


The position appears to be allright, but the thing is still drifting the heading...


Hohmanson reported that KSP 1.12 added some more drifting.