


Duna auto landing is not working

sokakpiskopati opened this issue ยท 8 comments


I tried to land on my target with mechjeb but it didn't work it burned wrong way.


I have a rover that is really messed up. The command capsules nose is pointing towards the horizon... at about a 45' angle.

Put another low end command capsule and make sure it points straight up. When you go to land, right-click on that capsule and "control from here".


I have tried that but still same. Mechjeb is burning right way but then it is spinning something going and it is burning the opposite way.


You'll need to post some more detailed information for anyone to be able to help figure out what is going on. A craft file and/or a quicksave file would be ideal to try reproducing the behavior you're seeing.


I have the same problem.

It only occurs with "land at target" function ("land somewhere" works fine) at low altitudes, below 100KM orbit (at 200KM it works fine). When "land at target" is activated, the land prediction shows one coordinate (which appears to be wrong). If I deactivate, the prediction shows another coordinate, far away from the original. Then, MechJeb gets confused and starts burning prograde to compesate its wrong prediction, raising the periapsis above the atmosphere.

I believe that the problem is caused by the landing guidance steep descent path (at low altitude, it would be very shallow) combined with Duna low height and low pressure atmosphere (not enough drag to slow down) which do not allow MechJeb to calculate corretly its descent path.


I'm seeing a similar behavior at Duna, along with "jumpy" landing predictions trying to land from a 76km orbit. I'll try @benneralan's suggestion of starting from higher altitude.


Having this issue on the latest Dev build. The issue is definitely caused by the predicted landing site. Even when in a circular orbit it shows the predicted landing site as almost directly below the ship in question. The ship will do its deorbit burn correctly but then when making adjustments tries to line up the incorrect landing prediction with the target landing site. Since this is not possible except on an almost entirely vertical landing it just burns until it's out of fuel.


This problem persists. I'm getting projected landing points that jump wildly on either side of the target point. If parachutes deploy, it consistently misses the mark by landing well short.

A near vertical approach from starting in an orbit well past Ike will work. But flying through the atmosphere from an initial orbit of 60 km will exhibit this broken behavior. It's super annoying, because autoland is pretty much the only way I can rendezvous on the surface.


closing for #1052