


Aircraft Autopilot allows to set negative Vertical Speed values

morphelianus opened this issue ยท 3 comments


MechJeb Version (DEV RELEASE)

KSP Version

Stock de-de
Making History 1.10.1
Breaking Ground 1.5.1


Aircraft autopilot allows to set Vertical Speed Hold to negative values. Same for VS +/- in case Altitude Hold is enabled. Setting a negative value causes the airplane to decrease altitude even if Altitude Hold is set to a much higher height. Regardless of that I always question the reason why it should be possible to set negative values. Doesn't the label already indicate that the entered values counts for ascent and descent? Shouldn't it be just allowed to enter positive values? At least I would expect that and that would be my suggestion.

Replication Case





if the plane starts out at 20,000m and needs to descend to 10,000m, a negative vertical speed hold would be.. useful.


if the plane starts out at 20,000m and needs to descend to 10,000m, a negative vertical speed hold would be.. useful.

I unterstand your agrument. But wouldn't that be the case whenever you don't set the altitude hold? In that case it makes sense to set the vertical speed hold to a negative value. And in this case the label doesn't change which is fine. Nevertheless, you are responsible to disable vertical speed hold or disengage the autopilot. Otherwise the airplane will descent till it hits the ground.

Utilizing altitude hold changes the label from vertical speed hold to VS +/- and in that case entering a negative value just makes no sence and causes the reported issue. Sorry, I may should have described the issue a little bit more precisly.


Hi, after a couple of month I start playing KSP again and have to report that the issue is not solved as expected. While my suggestion was to not allow negative values whenever Altitude Hold is enabled now negative values cannot be entered at all. In cases Altitude Hold is not enabled zerg960 is right and negative values should be possible to decent. Hence, you should check whether the Altitude Hold checkbox is check and decide on this value if negative values are allowed or not.