


Loosing control at the end of maneuvers

noldaz opened this issue · 9 comments


everything is fine until few seconds before the end of the maneuver, then it wable around like crazy. Also mechjeb doesnt use asas at all and when mechjeb stop, the ship just rotate aimlessly.

the total mass of the AR202 case is 1E-05


Before completion of the maneuver, the reference point of attitude changes abruptly (It is an effect of the imprecision of the calculation) and by cause of the derivative effect it saturate the action of the PID. The action tries to follow the reference point, causing the wobble around of the reference point and more imprecision in reference point calculation.

The patch #176 (and #152 previous) largely solve this. The derivative is calculated only from the rotational movement and it is independent of the reference point.

I know of no merger plan


I follow your link to #176 but I fail to see where is the download


It's a code patch not a download. Get a compiled version here :


ok tx alot.


So today I got back to KSP after a few months, and it's not my kind of game without MechJeb. The first thing that attracted my attention was that they finally fixed the vanilla SAS - my first launch to the orbit was so smooth, no old wobble or unwanted rotation. After such a nice surprise I got the same rocket, just swapped command pods to test the new MJ - that was a big dissapointment - after reaching 5-6 km it started to twist and wobble, and in the end - broke in half. That is not the MJ that I was used to. So after some searching I tried your build - and it was much better, although an older version (2.0.8) - but who cares :) it works. So I wonder ..why is this not merged to the official build? In the 2.0.9 version the ascend AP, Smart ASS and - as mentioned in this thread - end of maneuvers, are so buggy ..broken ..its uncontrolable. I know - it says it's a prerelase - but there is a fix, maybe it needs some test and make-up ..but it is there (here?). Aslo I saw that you made "the response of the PID soft to reduce the stress of the vessel" - yes, it is much better but still the rocket is "shivering". It looks just like there are to many itterations of course corretions (?) (sure there is a better name for this). Would it cause issues if there would be less (at least for the S ASS)?


if you want to reduce the "shivering" try increasing the value of Tf:

In this Mod Tf determines the cutoff frequency of a low pass filter, approx:

          Fcutoff = 1 / (Tf * 2 * Pi)

for high values ​​of "Tf" the cutoff frequency is lower. PID constants are recalculated from Tf.

Large values ​​of Tf are more suitable for large ships (0.6 ... 0.3) and small values ​​of Tf (0.3 ... 0.1) for small craft. Large values ​​Tf slow the PID response, smaller values ​​make faster.

If your ship wobbles Tf values ​​of 0.6 would be better to make more rigid spacecraft using "EAS-4 struct connector"

Values ​​lower than 0.05 eliminate the ability of the filter (the minimum processing time is similar).

I also myself the same question... why is this not merged to the official build?


My problems with mechjeb are completely solved, i think. The problem was that when v 0.21 came out I rushed to get all update, but I think thes was interactions between thèses files: StockModuleMechjebEnabler and RemoteTechModuleEnabler from remotetech for all, and with the MechJeb install that make u overwrite the squad parts files. I just reinstalled the squad files and made a mechjeb folder with only the StockModuleMechJebEnabler and the dll and all is fine to this point.


What make me investigate is that when I wanted to control a probe, there was 2 control here button, and when I selected the wrong one, the probe inverted front and rear velocity


Closing this as an old MechJeb issue. Many MechJeb issues have had little interest in years, have been fixed for years, do not include adequate replication steps, refer to old problems which are no longer applicable, or are difficult to determine what the problem is. This issue is being closed for one of those reasons. We apologize for any inconvenience, but keeping the TODO list tidy helps the developers.

If this bug/issue is still a problem, please open a new issue. For bugs please try to include a Minimal, Complete, Verifiable Example that explains all the steps required to replicate the issue. A link to the KSP.log file should be ideally included, but is often not sufficient information. Screenshots or short videos are often the best way to show a bug.