


Wanted: a cross between rover auto pilot, spaceplane guidance and landing guidance

seanth opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I use mechjeb on boats, but have to use a combination of landing guidance and spaceplane guidance to control them during long, boring stretches of time. Right now I choose a point on the map to get the target appearing on the artificial horizon. I then point the craft in the correct direction and enter the course into the spaceplane guidance and hit hold. Then I power it up and go do something for a few hours.

What would be ideal is a module made for use on the water planets/moons where I can choose a location on the map (or enter coordinates) like the landing guidance, but the craft then stays on target by itself, traveling at a user defined max speed. Once it reaches the destination, it shuts the engines down.

Honestly, just something that would dynamically adjust the course would be great.