


Window Persistence issues, missing features, and other small annoyances

KennyMccormick opened this issue ยท 19 comments


Issue the first:

Window persistence at best. I have a custom window made that shows me all the info I need, contains a few key engine related controls, and nothing more. Replaces about 4 or 5 seperate boxes. Problem is it doesn't persist at all. If I go to the VAB? Remake it! If I switch to a craft that lacks MJ 2.0? Remake it! If I close KSP and restart? Remake it!

Doesn't sound bad?
Here's the window.

Remaking that every five minutes tends to get a bit annoying. It'd be much appreciated if custom window persistence can at least be maintained from KSP start to KSP close.

Issue the second:

Orbital Operations was an absolute godsend. So easy to use. Yet we don't have it anymore. Instead we have to click through the maneuver planner. It makes doing basic things a pain in the rear, instead of two clicks it's five to circularize. Can we have Orbital Ops back?

Issue the third:

The Smart-ASS menu is great, but it can't make its mind up. Sometimes it has cool buttons, sometimes it's entirely transparent aside from the text. Still works just fine either way, only a visual issue. It also doesn't tend to display "AUTO" automatically, though the autopilot does kick in.


Are you experiencing these window persistence issues with MJ version 2.0.4, or with an earlier version?


I've been experiencing the window persistence issue on certain ships in 2.0.4 as noted in an issue ive reopened


I just got done doing some ground/hover testing of a lander using MJ 2.0.4. Window persistence is okay flopping back and forth between the SPH and the runway. Haven't yet tested it in space or between game sessions, though.


I will confirm herowinds to an extent. On 2.0.4, once I set it, it works fine between the game and the VAB/SPH, and it seems to persist fine if I switch to ships that have MJ 2.0.4. It also persists between sessions. But if I switch to something that lacks MJ 2.0.4 the windows get reset.


Yeah, this is pretty annoying. I'm just trying to limit my use of it for now until it's fixed.


In space between ships, and between game sessions the persistence is off


Running latest mecheb, and this still happens.


My windows also get lost every time I switch a ship or to the VAB. Also, standard windows get lost (Orbit Info, Target Info, Vessel Info). Since MechJeb 2.0.3.


Are you really getting this in MechJeb 2.0.6? If so, can you provide a sequence of steps that will reliably cause the custom windows to be lost? I haven't seen my windows disappear for a while.


Window persistence is working nicely for me since 2.0.6, however it's revealed an annoying default behavior. The MechJeb window selection side panel now remembers whether it's open or closed, everywhere in the game. This is bothersome since I like to have the panel open in flight, closed in the VAB/SPH (with only my one editor window showing, I don't need to edit windows most of the time and would like to have the screen space there for staging). Can whether the side panel is open/closed be split into 2 persistence flags, one for flight and one for editor?


I'm trying to figure out what causes it, and how to reliably reproduce it. It seems random, but every once and a while, all my persistence info disappears. All my custom windows blank, and all variables reset. This has happened when switching between ships, when making a new ship, when resuming a flight, and when starting KSP, though not often. Usually it's a precursor for the launch autopilot wonking out (it's a guarantee it'll happen, but it happening before the launch AP error is not guaranteed). When this happens, the assent AP will fly the profile, set the maneuver node to circularise, turn to it, then burn towards the node until it's out of โˆ†V instead of warping to it. (yes it's set properly, the glitch makes it burn hours before the node sometimes, counter is certainly in the negative) If I switch off the AP, switch to the maneuver planner, clear all nodes, then setup my own, this is avoided, but if I don't clear all nodes, this still happens. I'm under the impression that it's a rare plugin conflict, considering I haven't seen someone else bring it up. I'll try the new release and see if it still happens.


Windows still disappear :( Maybe it has anything to do with the fact that I have manually added MJ into some pods? Every time I start building new vessel from pod with integrated MJ windows reset.


@asmi84 Read the last few comments here. :)


@Tallinu ok thanks! Apparently I was blind :( Or simply too busy assembling newest BobCat's addition to his Soviet Pack - the Klipper :)


My window persistence info is reliably disappearing when I start a new craft with a command module that has MJ on it. Using MechJeb 2.0.7.


@tavert: Yes, we really should save the position and status of each window separately for the flight and for the editor. I'll work on this.

@Shadow771: Nice find, thanks! I've reproduced it and will work on fixing it.


OK, 68d6ab0 should fix the bug reported by @Shadow771. The fix will go out in 2.0.8.


I recently installed 2.0.7 and it seems to fix the problems. My custom windows are persisted throughout the different flights. Thank you for your effort and great addon! ๐Ÿ‘


2.0.8 is out, so all window persistence bugs we know of are fixed. Please start a new issue if you have window persistence problems with 2.0.8.