


Couple of suggestions / requests

drtedastro opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I am looking for the ability to do a "Set time, executed launch", but with out any specific target. I just want to be able to set year, day, hr, min, sec and when that time come by, boom off i go...

on other option that i would love to see would be the ability to set a 'vertical landing offset' or whatever you want to call it. this would be a positive value that would tell MechJeb on Landing Guidance, that my target is at Lat, Lon AND i want to come straight down, vertically from XXXXX meters (which would be based on above ground level). There are many times and locations where this would have been real good to have, and especially for my cargo missions and such.

I basically play the game for the engineering and design and concept issues. I have flown enough sims that i really dont care to and that is why i LOVE mechjeb....

anyway, thanks for even reading this and if it is at all possible and could be done, that would be fantastic.


And, as always, I forgot one more.....
On the docking autopilot, would it be possible to be able to enter a desired minimum distance to be before final execution towards the docking ring??? This would simply mean that if you set the min pre-final docking distance to 100 meters that all orientation, maneuvering, etc would be done before you were 100 m from docking. This would allow for very tight paths to be used to come in between structures or obstructions.

I hope this makes sense. If not, please pm me and i will explain better.

anyway, thanks.


I think the first case is better handled by the Warp Helper and/or Kerbal Alarm Clock. The second case is covered by feature requests in #1052. Adding the docking feature to #1059