


[Suggestion] Custom Window Tidbits

antgeth opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I hope this is a suitable venue for this.

I use MJ's custom windows features pretty extensively, but there are a couple of fairly minor things that I often wish I had access too:

First and foremost is the "Show landing predictions" button from the Landing Guidance window. I find that info (and the blue target) invaluable, but the LG window is pretty bulky and unnecessary since usually land manually. Being able to have it in its own window (along with, say, suicide burn countdown) would be awesome.
I tried doing this myself with the source but it won't compile properly, probably because I'm incompetent.

Secondly is a value showing the total available electric charge in the craft; it can get annoying counting up my batteries in the VAB so I know how much I have.

Finally, and on a seperate note, a way to change the UI font size would be sweet. I already use the compact skin (which is a drastic improvement) but it seems like the windows still get in the way of the gorgeous game sometime.


These all sound pretty easy to implement; I'll give it a try.


cool! i look forward to it.

i have some ideas for some toolbar icons (for ones that are just text right now)... is there somewhere i can upload them?


upload them on or upload a zip on dropbox or anything similar.


576 pixels is a really tiny canvas to get your point across on, but here's my results.

Docking Autopilot

Rendezvous Planner/Autopilot
This one is just a generic rendezvous icon; I use it for autopilot (since I don't use the planner window), but it can serve either.

Orbit Info
This is the one I am least pleased with; my initial design was having the ellipse around the 'i' but it looked positively terrible when exported at 24px. The 'i' is from GNU FreeFont.


Here's a settings icon:

Build 243 works great! Thanks!