



MmPMSFmM opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Dear reader,

I'd like to mention that, when using Rendezvous Autopilot, whenever you're pointing more than 10 Degrees away from the node while Autowarping to Hohmann Transfer Node it stops a million times to get the marker exactly right. This annoys me very much because this increases the huge amount of time (real time) by another 10%. Why doesn't he just warp to 10 minutes before the node, corrects, warps to node, corrects again and executes manoeuvre? This would decrease the time it would take to get to the node vastly.

Yours faithfully,



This is mainly a KSP bug: the node pointer really shouldn't move while you're in warp, but if you are below 100 km then it will move. In this commit I've made it so that MJ will align before warp, but won't correct again until 5 minutes before the node. I'll close this issue now; look for the change in the next update.

Re: ships that need to maintain a certain heading, that's a pretty specialized case. I don't think we will add an autopilot setting to accommodate it; you are best off handling such special cases by warping manually and then engaging the autopilot just before node.


Yes, this should be the warp behavior. This is even more important with things like ultralight probes, that have to face the sun/certain direction, or else they lose power. Having mechjeb point to the node before warping could cause the loss of a mission. Maybe there should be a setting somewhere to control when the autopilot decides to point to the node (before warp, half way to node, x seconds, ect.)