


request: ability for spaceplane guidance.

drtedastro opened this issue ยท 0 comments


It would be wonderful and great if we had the ability to access a waypoint file from the spaceplane guidance window. Something along the lines of the rover's waypoints, but with the added dimension of altitude.

Something like
Seq# Lat Lon Alt
1 87.123456, 113.654321, 2500

Lat's and Lon's would be in dd.dddddd form with W and S hemisphere negative
Alt would be in 'true' above sea level

For now, the spaceplane's normal heading Alt function would work just great for me. Sometime in future, maybe, ability to pick waypoints from map would be great as well, but that could be another story...

Thanks again for such a great mod. As i have said many times before, I use MJ for everything that i can. I played / flew sim games enough over the years that i dont need to exercise my fingers to fly. I enjoy engineering aspects much more....
