


Maneuver nodes sometimes are not executed

Sagrer opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Sometimes when i click "execute" or "create and execute" - seems that MechJeb begin to execute the node - orientation changed to node point, engines control became locked, but then - there is no any warp, and engines never turn on even for +1s and more time for the node.

I can't understand how to reproduce this - it can happens with any craft, and if directly after this i switch to another craft to check - all nodes executed fine for this another craft, and when i switch back - nodes are still can't be executed. If i make some maneuvers by hands - after some time when i try to use MechJeb again - i notice that it works fine.

So, i archived my save and GameData (there are some mods needed to use the save) - there is a quicksave from the craft with this strange behaviour, it has a node which can not be executed. Actually the node can be removed, but any new nodes can't be executed too.

This is savefile
This is gamedata

I use MechJeb2 - and KSP 1.0.2


๐Ÿ‘ for having observed this exact behaviour, including noticing that after manually manoeuvring MechJeb seems to regain control, but also unable to reproduce.


also - somebody posted the same thing on forum
in this forum posts was something about using 2 MechJeb modules for different stages of the craft/

In my case - there was 2 MJ modules too. Initially it was 2-staged rocket, 0-stage was piloted spacecraft and 1-stage - the liquid-engine rocket, which may be returned back and recovered. First i landed and recovered 1-stage - MJ used to make deorbit burn with a maneuver node (landing autopilot was not used) - everything worked fine. Then i tried to make lunar flyby by maneuver node for 0-stage and MJ only made orientation for the node point, no warp and no burn was made by it.


Just wanted to mention this behavior I noticed in version MechJeb2-
Not sure whether it's due to the same bug or perhaps related in some way.

Whenever I create nodes either through MJ or manually, and then click the "execute next node" button, my craft orients correctly and then immediately starts burning according to the node. So regardless whether the node is 10 seconds away or 10 days, it just burns the node directly after orienting, skipping warp entirely.

EDIT: I just now tried with the MechJeb2- build and the problem I described above seems to have been resolved.

EDIT2: @Sagrer When reading your comment I realized that when I noticed my problems I too did have 2 MJ devices on my vessel.


Node execution fails randomly :(


I have this exact bug, affecting both drones and ships. Using ascent guidance, the ship coasts to the edge of atmosphere, changes to "circularizing", creates a node, aims, and fails to burn. Warp also fails, the ship does not attempt to warp in the two minute timeframe before the node. Interestingly with the main engines off, it will attempt the burn with RCS, but will not use RCS fuel during any other part of the launch


Should be fixed with 5a4b889


I can confirm that 5a4b889 fixed it for me (tested with about 4 launches and 7 node executions). I used build #480.


I can confirm as well, though it has been fixed since 466 for me.

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015, 3:17 PM Dimitri Vranken [email protected]

I can confirm that 5a4b889
fixed it for me (tested with about 4 launches and 7 node executions). I
used build #480

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