


Ascent AP confused by staging after node creation

Aquilux opened this issue · 13 comments



All settings ahead.

Main page:
Alt. 100 km
Prevent overheat.
Limit speed to terminal vel.
Limit accel to 50m/s.
No corrective steering.
Auto stage, .25 pre. 0 post.
No warp.

Alt: 100 km
Turn start: 0
Turn end: 70
Final angle: 2°
Turn shape: 70%

Functions under any condition as long as there's a stage almost empty before A.P. sets circularization node.


Boosters eject, set corrective steering.
A.P. reaches set apoapsis
A.P. maintains apoapsis
A.P. sets node
Decouple ascent stage via context menu or staging event, which does not matter.
Observe time to node, estimated burn, and throttle.


Can you expand on what exactly is the problem here? I followed your steps with your ship and the AP circularized very nicely with the upper stage. Is it that KSP's estimated burn time for the node is wrong? That's because the game only estimates burn times properly after you have throttled up your current stage at least once, so it knows how much acceleration your rocket has. In any case, that's a KSP issue and not a MJ issue. But perhaps I misunderstood the problem?

Edit: sorry, didn't mean to close this.


Did you decouple the ascent stage after the maneuver node was set without mechjeb having warped to the node and without altering the ascent autopilot? Whenever I do this mechjeb immediately points to the node and burns once the next stage (with engine) is activated, no matter the time to the node.

PS: The only mods running are Mechjeb and Deadly Reentry. I'll recheck without the second one, but this has happened before I installed it.

PPS: Still happens with only mechjeb installed. Specifically this happens with the ascent autopilot, when you dump a previous stage after it's set the maneuver node but before the burn would normally start. I will see if this happens while staging manually.


Works fine for me. After node creation, but before node execution, I staged manually, and the final stage waited until T-17 s from the node to begin the circularization burn. It circularized into a 100.4 x 99.5 km orbit, and I didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

edit: Well, I didn't see the problem with my 2.0.7+ dev build, but I was able to reproduce the problem with 2.0.7 just now. Investigating...


Huh. That's odd. Even staging manually this just happened to me. I'll see if I can catch it with fraps and upload it.

EDIT: I'm getting rather peeved by the fact that fraps cuts out every 30 to 60 seconds. Anyone know a better screencap utility?


Looks like this has been fixed by 84f127e (see #65). @Aquilux, can you see if the following build fixes the problem for you?


I'll look. I thought I had the latest build.

Edit: Wait, this fix corrects the auto staging delay. This bug has nothing to do with auto staging, It occurs with it on or off.


Err, sorry, I meant to refer to 7df75e2 (#63). But that change is in dev build 28, too, so can you try it and see if it fixes the problem?


It hadn't, but I think it may have been something related to KSP (for some reason that is beyond my understanding). I reinstalled my dev copy of KSP from the zip file of the current version, and the problem went away. I'll see if reverting to the prior version brings it back.

On a related topic. Do you know why the UI disappeared until I relaunched KSP? Everything went away leaving only the text from all of KSP's windows. That's what prompted the full reinstall.


Yep. It looks like that fixed it. Seems like you guys are so fast that you fixed something before it was even found. :)


@Aquilux I have had the GUIs disappear except for black text if I alt-tab while the game is loading parts, then switch back after I hear the title music. I think it started happening after the "Romfarer reminder" was added but I'm not certain of that, and I don't know if it occurs without romfarer.dll installed.


I didn't have Romfarer installed, and I hadn't tabbed away. In fact I had already launched a couple times and had normal mechjeb interfaces, and then suddenly...

But it seems to have gone away with the refresh, so I'll leave it alone for now, untill it happens again that is.


Sweet. =) Thanks for being so responsive. I'll close this when 2.0.8 is released.


2.0.8 is out, so I'm closing this.