


Feature request: Multiple burn maneuver

complynx opened this issue · 3 comments


For really slow engines, like ion propulsion, add a helpful option (may be hidden with a tick button or whatever) to change one-burn planner to multiple ones.

How to schedule them:

  1. If the burn takes place in distant future (eg more orbits then requested N), than just split it back in time:
    1.1. Add maneuver node one orb. back
    1.2. Split ΔV in (N-1)/N for new node, 1/N for old (futurer) one
    1.3. Perform the same procedure for the new node with N-1 until N = 1
  2. If the burn scheduled to the nearest time:
    2.1. Add maneuver node further in the future, to one orb.
    2.2. Split ΔV in 1/N for nearest and (N-1)/N for further node
    2.3. Perform these steps for the last node with N-- while N>1
  3. If the burn must end in less then requested orbits, show a warning.
  4. When performing the maneuvers recalculate and adjust the scheduled maneuvers to get the desired trajectory.

Also maybe add automatic orbit number planner somehow.


Also a good option is to add some nonlinearity for splitting, to save time, eg, have more ΔV in the further burns, or maybe better to do other way?


A mod called, surprisingly, Maneuver Node Splitter, handles this just as well.


A mod called, surprisingly, Maneuver Node Splitter, handles this just as well.

Sorry to dig up this old issue, but as the mod mentioned above is discontinued. So, can we have this node-splitting feature in future MechJeb releases?