Mkerb Inc (MKERB)

Mkerb Inc (MKERB)


Russian (Русский) <ru.cfg>

zer0Kerbal opened this issue · 2 comments


Localization - Русский Russian (Русский) <ru.cfg>

To Be Done by :octocat: contributor

  • Some helpful reading
  • GameData (done by contributor)
    • add Localization<ru.cfg> 🗃️
  • Translation
    • Русский Russian (Русский) <ru.cfg>
  1. Fork this repo
  2. Create a branch name it 'translations' or localizations (suggestions)
  3. goto GameData/.../Localization/
  4. copy <en-us.cfg>
  5. rename to <ru.cfg>
  6. open the file and translate everything to the right of #??? =
  7. change the en-us to ru
  8. please include an attribution to you in the localization file, something like:
  • // Translated by: [GitHubUserName](
  • alternatively if you want another name from the KSP forums...
  1. when done, PR it and you could reference this issue
  2. After it has been merged by me, you may delete your fork.

have fun and thank you! :octocat: 🎃


  • assign
    • zer0Kerbal
    • Repo Localization Project
    • Label: type: localization
    • Label: help-wanted
    • Milestone: Localization - Master

below done by @zer0Kerbal

  • Update
    • Documentation
      • [] 🔢
      • [] 🧾
    • docs/
      • docs/[]
    • Update Social Media
    • GitHub (automated) (zer0Kerbal/zer0Kerbal)
    • CurseForge
    • Reddit
    • Twitter @zer0Kerbal
    • Forum
    • Patreon
    • SpaceDock
    • CKAN (automated)

this file: © All Rights Reserved by zer0Kerbal


@zer0Kerbal done:)
PR link:


@evanisrael thank you

would you also translate lines 127-460? I will attempt to plug it through AI-Watson, but rather have a human translation. :)

		// ABS
		#MKERB-ABS-Title = A.B.S.® sending... 
		#MKERB-ABS-default = Signal recorded. The vessel seems to be alive.
		#MKERB-ABS-KerbinSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 100%. 

		#MKERB-ABS-KerbinInSpaceLow = The Signal strengh is 100%. Delay 0,0002 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-KerbinInSpace = The Signal strengh is still 100%. Delay 0,0001 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-MunInSpace = The Signal strengh is 98%. Delay 0,034 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-MunInSpaceLow = The Signal strengh is 98%. Delay 0,034 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-MunSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 98%. Delay 0,036 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-MinmusInSpace = The Signal strengh is 95%. Delay 0,067 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-MinmusSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 95%. Delay 0,068 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-SunInSpaceLow = The sunflares interrup the Signal....
		#MKERB-ABS-SunInSpaceHigh = The Signal strengh is 25%. Delay 1,51 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-ErnusSpaceLow = The sunflares interrup the Signal....
		#MKERB-ABS-ErnusSpaceHigh = The Signal strengh is 45%. Delay 0,89 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-SonnahSpaceLow = Is the KSC somewhere here? Its so cloudy.
		#MKERB-ABS-SonnahSpaceHigh = Beeep.
		#MKERB-ABS-AtellSpaceLow = The instruments get too hot.
		#MKERB-ABS-AtellSpaceHigh = The craters and hills disrupt the signal.
		#MKERB-ABS-ArinSpaceLow = The instrument seems stuck
		#MKERB-ABS-ArinSpaceHigh = The craters bounce back the signal.
		#MKERB-ABS-AstidSpaceLow = The Signal strengh is 75%. Delay 0,59 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-AstidSpaceHigh = The Signal strengh is 73%. Delay 0,61 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-MohInSpace = The Signal strengh is 42.7%. Delay 0,93 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-MohSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 42.5%. Delay 0,97 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-MohoInSpace = The Signal strengh is 42%. Delay 0,91 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-MohoSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 42%. Delay 0,94 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-EveInSpace = The Signal strengh is 78%. Delay 0,54 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-EveInSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 78%. Delay 0,58 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-GillyInSpace = The Signal strengh is 77%. Delay 0,55 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-GillySrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 77%. Delay 0,59 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-DunaInSpace = The Signal strengh is 83%. Delay 0,54 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-DunaSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 83%. Delay 0,58 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-IkeInSpace = The Signal strengh is 84%. Delay 0,54 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-IkeSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 84%. Delay 0,58 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-DresInSpace = The Signal strengh is 31%. Delay 1.04 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-DresSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 31%. Delay 1.9 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-JoolInSpaceLow = The pressure gets higer, Soon the device will cease function....
		#MKERB-ABS-JoolInSpace = The Signal strengh is 24%. Delay 2.04 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-LaytheInSpace = The Signal strengh is 23%. Delay 2.15 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-LaytheSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 23%. Delay 2.34 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-LeouchInSpace = The Signal strengh is 22,7%. Delay 2.09 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-LeouchSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 22,1%. Delay 2.01 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-NolasInSpace = The Signal strengh is 21,7%. Delay 2.08 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-NolasSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 21,1%. Delay 2.19 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-DersoInSpace = The Signal strengh is 22%. Delay 3.15 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-DersoSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 21%. Delay 4.34 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-DersoInSpaceLow = The Signal strengh is 23%. Delay 3.05 seconds

		#MKERB-ABS-ApturInSpace = The ABS seems to charge some kind of particle.
		#MKERB-ABS-ApturSrfLanded = The ground composition seems to block the signals

		#MKERB-ABS-SerranInSpace = The Signal strengh is 74%. Delay 0,62 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-SerranSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 72%. Delay 0,84 seconds

		#MKERB-ABS-LaveInSpaceLow = The Signal strengh is 32%. Delay 1,62 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-LaveInSpaceHigh = The Signal strengh is 32,7%. Delay 1,37 seconds

		#MKERB-ABS-EliInSpaceLow = The Signal strengh is 32,3%. Delay 1,69 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-EliInSpaceHigh = The Signal strengh is 32,9%. Delay 1,43 seconds

		#MKERB-ABS-VallInSpace = The Signal strengh is 22%. Delay 2.95 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-VallSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 22%. Delay 2.97 seconds

		#MKERB-ABS-TyloInSpace = The Signal strengh is 21%. Delay 3.01 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-TyloSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 21%. Delay 3.76 seconds

		#MKERB-ABS-TitanusInSpace = The Signal strengh is 20.8%. Delay 2.87 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-TitanusSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 20.2%. Delay 3.06 seconds

		#MKERB-ABS-EteInSpace = The Signal strengh is 21.9%. Delay 2.98 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-EteSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 21.1%. Delay 3.46 seconds

		#MKERB-ABS-OreeInSpace = The Signal strengh is 21.7%. Delay 2.87 seconds

		#MKERB-ABS-BopInSpace = The Signal strengh is 20%. Delay 4.03 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-BopSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 20%. Delay 5.1 seconds

		#MKERB-ABS-PolInSpace = The Signal strengh is 19%. Delay 5.89 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-PoSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 19%. Delay 5,98 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-VanorInSpace = The pressure gets higer, Soon the device will cease function....	
		#MKERB-ABS-VanorInSpaceHigh = Warning: This device is not pressure resitant.		
		#MKERB-ABS-EelooInSpace = The Signal strengh is 10%. Delay 9.89 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-EelooSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 7%. Delay 15.89 seconds

		#MKERB-ABS-HaleInSpace = The Signal strengh is 9%. Delay 9.87 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-HaleSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 6,8%. Delay 15.87 seconds

		#MKERB-ABS-SarnusInSpace = The Signal strengh is 9%. Delay 9.89 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-SarnusSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 6%. Delay 15.99 seconds

		#MKERB-ABS-OvokInSpace = The Signal strengh is 9,5%. Delay 9.82 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-OvokSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 7%. Delay 15.82 seconds

		#MKERB-ABS-SlateInSpace = The Signal strengh is 8.9%. Delay 9.89 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-SlateSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 6.5%. Delay 15.89 seconds

		#MKERB-ABS-TektoInSpace = The Signal strengh is 8,8%. Delay 9.84 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-TektoSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 5%. Delay 15.85 seconds

		#MKERB-ABS-UrlumInSpace = The Signal strengh is 5%. Delay 2.3 minutes
		#MKERB-ABS-UrlumSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 5%. Delay 2.3 minutes

		#MKERB-ABS-PoltaInSpace = The Signal strengh is 4,7%. Delay 7 minutes
		#MKERB-ABS-PoltaSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 3%. Delay 8.3 minutes

		#MKERB-ABS-PriaxInSpace = The Signal strengh is 4,4%. Delay 8 minutes
		#MKERB-ABS-PriaxSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 3,2%. Delay 9.2 minutes

		#MKERB-ABS-WalInSpace = The Signal strengh is 4,1%. Delay 10.7 minutes
		#MKERB-ABS-WalSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 3,8%. Delay 11 minutes

		#MKERB-ABS-TidusSpace = The Signal strengh is 4,1%. Delay 10.7 minutes
		#MKERB-ABS-TidusSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 3,8%. Delay 11 minutes

		#MKERB-ABS-TalInSpace = The Signal strengh is 4.0%. Delay 13 minutes
		#MKERB-ABS-TalSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 3,2%. Delay 15 minutes

		#MKERB-ABS-NeidonInSpace = The Signal strengh is 1,7%. Delay 7.3 hours
		#MKERB-ABS-NeidonSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 1,2%. Delay 7.8 hours

		#MKERB-ABS-EtalInSpace = The Signal strengh is 0.07%. Delay 1 day
		#MKERB-ABS-EtalSrfLanded = No Signal recived.

		#MKERB-ABS-PlockInSpace = The Signal strengh is 0.07%. Delay 1 day
		#MKERB-ABS-PlockSrfLanded = No Signal recived.

		#MKERB-ABS-VanorInSpace = The Signal strengh is 9,5%. Delay 9.82 seconds
		#MKERB-ABS-VanorSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 7%. Delay 15.82 seconds

		// Rad
		#MKERB-Rad-Title = Micro Radiation Device Observation
		#MKERB-Rad-default = You observe the KKL device.

		#MKERB-Rad-KerbinSrfLandedLaunchPad = So, radiation is bad, huh?
		#MKERB-Rad-KerbinSrfLandedRunway = Oh. Wow. Yes, this runway. You have all of the cosmos at your fingertips, and here you sit looking at hydrons on the runway. Fascinating.
		#MKERB-Rad-KerbinSrfLandedDeserts = You notice a distinct lack of humidity. Maybe that's why it's so hot?
		#MKERB-Rad-KerbinSrfSplashedWater = You're amazed that the device doesn't break as you fill it with water.
		#MKERB-Rad-KerbinSrfSplashedShores = There's almost no radiation in this water. That's probably good.
		#MKERB-Rad-KerbinSrfLandedShores = The device confirms that this is, in fact, sand. You decide to stop listening to KKL devices.
		#MKERB-Rad-KerbinSrfLandedKSC = There's a disturbingly high amount of radiation here. Probably just the R&D department.
		#MKERB-Rad-KerbinFlyingLow = You manage to fiddle around with the device while sailing through the atmosphere. No new knowledge is gained, but you mak a mess in the process.
		#MKERB-Rad-KerbinFlyingHigh = Radiation is increasing steadily as you leave the atmosphere.
		#MKERB-Rad-KerbinInSpaceLow = The KKL seems to get confused about the inside and the outside of the device.
		#MKERB-Rad-KerbinInSpaceLow = I think the Kerbal race just culminated at this point.
		#MKERB-Rad-KerbinInSpaceHigh = You eat popcorn as you watch Kerbin get smaller. You never though you could use the KKL for this. Don't tell R&D.
		#MKERB-Rad-EveInSpace = The device makes a strange whirring noise. Maybe you've been in space for too long?
		#MKERB-Rad-DunaInSpace = The radiation here is only a bit higher than at Kerbin, which is good news.
		#MKERB-Rad-DunaSrfLanded = Pick a low radition spot for your house Jeb!
		#MKERB-Rad-DresInSpace = Strange readings here
		#MKERB-Rad-DresSrfLanded = you don't dare to touch the device.
		#MKERB-Rad-IkeInSpace = The KKL seems to not work at the moment.
		#MKERB-Rad-IkeSrfLanded = The KKL glows in strange colors. 
		#MKERB-Rad-MunInSpace = The device shows that the sun seems to have a larger influence on Mun that on Kerbin. 
		#MKERB-Rad-MunSrfLanded = Mundust..... X#X%##++#$$X%.
		#MKERB-Rad-MunSrfLanded = You let in some Munar dust and close the hatch. Let it get bombarded by paticles and see if the sand splits like an katom.
		#MKERB-Rad-MunFlyingLow = It now smells like burnt toast, though that may be leftover while KKL maintanance was underway.
		#MKERB-Rad-MunFlyingHigh = Is this really a good idea? Staring at the cratered surface below, you're beginning to wonder...
		#MKERB-Rad-MinmusInSpace = There is no change in how the device reads. Probably because Minmus is despicably tiny - you should get a closer look. 
		#MKERB-Rad-MinmusSrfLanded = The device stutters and vibrates. Perhaps there is something radioactive underneath Minmus's surface?
		#MKERB-Rad-InSpace = There seems to be less radiation inside the device than outside...
		#MKERB-Rad-NeidonInSpace = Where are the rad suits again.
		#MKERB-Rad-NeidonSrfLanded = Raditation overlo#*@X2+

		#MKERB-Rad-PlockInSpace = Radiation seems to be very high.
		#MKERB-Rad-PlockInSpace = Danger Danger!

		#MKERB-Rad-SarnusInSpace = You imagine what happes if it explodes now.
		#MKERB-Rad-SarnusSrfLanded = This is the perfct place for particle bombarding.

		#MKERB-Rad-PoltaInSpace = The KKL makes a humming noise.
		#MKERB-Rad-PoltaSrfLanded = You wonder who gave it the name Kerbin Kolider Lurk

		#MKERB-Rad-UrlumInSpace = Radition is moderate here.
		#MKERB-Rad-UrlumSrfLanded = This seems to be a radiation hotspot

		#MKERB-Rad-WalInSpace = You envy the guys in Kernobil now.
		#MKERB-Rad-WalSrfLanded = Your dosimeter broke.

		#MKERB-Rad-HaleInSpace = You wonder if radiation softens the skin.
		#MKERB-Rad-HaleSrfLanded = You use some ration chocklate to make a skin cream.	

		#MKERB-Rad-TektoInSpace = You think you could boil eggs on the hull.
		#MKERB-Rad-TektoSrfLanded = Strangely the radiation seems to be not so harsh.

		#MKERB-Rad-PriaxInSpace = You forget to switch it on.
		#MKERB-Rad-PriaxSrfLanded = It tickels, this can't be good.

		#MKERB-Rad-ErnusInSpace = Everything radiates in fancy colors.
		#MKERB-Rad-ErnusSrfLanded = The rad detector is not working anymore

		#MKERB-Rad-AstidInSpace = There is no radiation here.
		#MKERB-Rad-AstidSrfLanded = Only small radation readings.

		#MKERB-Rad-ApturInSpace = Good results measured here.
		#MKERB-Rad-ApturSrfLanded = The ground seems to suck up space radiation

		#MKERB-Rad-EliInSpace = Kernobil would be like a summer camp.

		#MKERB-Rad-NolasInSpace = Maybe some space junk is cause for wrong readings
		#MKERB-Rad-NolasSrfLanded = This place should be named Kukushima.

		#MKERB-Rad-TitanusInSpace = The radiation is dangerous here
		#MKERB-Rad-TitanusSrfLanded = XE§$#+****

		#MKERB-Rad-VanorInSpace = Jeb don't put butter on the device!
		#MKERB-Rad-VanorSrfLanded = The radiation seems strange here.

		// Time
		#MKERB-Time-Title = Liquid clock Observation

		#MKERB-Time-KerbinSrfLandedLaunchPad = Tick... tock... tick... tock...,
		#MKERB-Time-KerbinSrfLandedLaunchPad = The clock seems to be ticking painfully slowly while preparing for launch... but it's just your imagination.
		#MKERB-Time-KerbinSrfLandedRunway = I know! Let's just tack clocks onto everything. Science here we come.
		#MKERB-Time-KerbinSrfLandedDeserts = Time is actually a little dilated here. There doesn't happen to be any large, ancient relics around here, are there?
		#MKERB-Time-KerbinSrfSplashedWater = The water definitely slows the clock down.
		#MKERB-Time-KerbinSrfLandedKSC = You start to question why you brought a clock if you're just going to use it at KSC.
		#MKERB-Time-KerbinFlyingLow = The clock IS slower, but that's probably due to resistance from the atmosphere.
		#MKERB-Time-KerbinFlyingHigh = The clock really is getting slower now. But, like, negligibly slower.
		#MKERB-Time-KerbinInSpaceLow = Interestingly, time is actually slowed about 0.0000000014%. Ish.
		#MKERB-Time-KerbinInSpaceHigh = As you get farther away from Kerbin, time passes every so slightly faster than normal. Future instrumentation will be built to account for this.
		#MKERB-Time-MunInSpace = As you approach the mass of the Mun, time is beginning to dilate again.
		#MKERB-Time-MunSrfLanded = Time dilation definitely correlates with gravitational pull and velocity.
		#MKERB-Time-MunFlyingLow = Time is slowly getting faster again as gravity overtakes orbital velocity.
		#MKERB-Time-MunFlyingHigh = The clock spins wildly out of control! Oh, no, wait, you just have it wired incorrectly.
		#MKERB-Time-MinmusInSpace = You could've sworn that the clock just whispered that it loves you.
		#MKERB-Time-MinmusSrfLanded = There's no effect on the passage of time. Probably because Minmus has a very small mass.
		#MKERB-Time-GillyInSpace = Really? Did you really expect that a body of this size would dilate time? Learn how to physics.
		#MKERB-Time-InSpace = The clock is still running slightly faster than it had on Kerbin.
		#MKERB-Time-LaytheInSpace = This reminds you of the long summers on Kerbin beach.
		#MKERB-Time-LaytheSrfLanded = Fishing time on a lake!
		#MKERB-Time-NeidonInSpace = Time is not relevant anymore.
		#MKERB-Time-NeidonSrfLanded = You bet you will be late for your date with Valery.
		#MKERB-Time-PlockInSpace = You bet Kerbin has overuled the top/bottom equator time system till they see this message.
		#MKERB-Time-PlockSrfLanded = The clock suddenly stops.
		#MKERB-Time-SarnusInSpace = You dont look at the clock.
		#MKERB-Time-SarnusSrfLanded = The clock seems to read your thoughts.
		#MKERB-Time-PoltaInSpace = The clock seems to slowly tick backwards.
		#MKERB-Time-PoltaSrfLanded = You will not forget the present for mothers day, a Plota Stone.
		#MKERB-Time-UrlumInSpace = Time seems to slow down here quite a bit.
		#MKERB-Time-UrlumSrfLanded = 1 Hour is like 2 days on here.Better get a move on.

		#MKERB-Time-WalInSpace = You beginn seeing two clocks.
		#MKERB-Time-WalSrfLanded = You throw one of the imaginery clocks out of the ship.

		#MKERB-Time-HaleInSpace = This thing has been around since the great bang.
		#MKERB-Time-HaleSrfLanded = History for the hands and minds but the clock does not seem to care.

		#MKERB-Time-OvokInSpace = The Signal strengh is 9,5%. Delay 9.89 seconds
		#MKERB-Time-OvokSrfLanded = The Signal strengh is 7%. Delay 15.89 seconds

		#MKERB-Time-SlateInSpace = Time slate.....
		#MKERB-Time-SlateSrfLanded = Its hard to keep track of time so far away from home.

		#MKERB-Time-PriaxInSpace = The clock makes fun of you.
		#MKERB-Time-PriaxSrfLanded = You debate to build a clock of Priax dust.

		#MKERB-Time-ErnusInSpace = The liqud behaves normally.
		#MKERB-Time-ErnusSrfLanded = The clock does still tick.

		#MKERB-Time-AtellInSpace = Looks like some wires are hanging out. JEEB!!
		#MKERB-Time-AtellSrfLanded = Some liquid does spill out of the device.

		#MKERB-Time-ApturInSpace = Time does go in strange ways here.
		#MKERB-Time-ApturSrfLanded = It seems like there are time holes here somewhere.

		#MKERB-Time-LaveInSpaceHigh = The time is 42 o clock now.
		#MKERB-Time-LaveSrfLanded = Could this be a new time zone ?

		#MKERB-Time-TitanusInSpace = Time runs much faster here.
		#MKERB-Time-TitanusSrfLanded = X#+"XD

		#MKERB-Time-VanorInSpace = There are strange readings.
		#MKERB-Time-VanorSrfLanded = The device is borked.

		// Sound
		#MKERB-Sound-Title = Sound Device Observation
		#MKERB-Sound-default = You observe the soundwaves....

		#MKERB-Sound-KerbinSrfLandedLaunchPad = Flight Control deactivates the device remotly.
		#MKERB-Sound-KerbinSrfLandedKSC = You romp about the KSC playing space music from several popular movies. Spirits are so lifted around KSC that we actually gain science points from this.
		#MKERB-Sound-KerbinFlyingLow = ...%X##+*X733t
		#MKERB-Sound-KerbinFlyingHigh = As the air pressure drops, your ability to get data diminishes severely.
		#MKERB-Sound-KerbinInSpaceLow = Recorded data is very strange - still showing a very, very small pressure wave produced. How could there be pressure waves in a vacuum?
		#MKERB-Sound-KerbinInSpaceHigh = There might be some unseen particles in the vacuum of space.
		#MKERB-Sound-MunSrfLanded = Nothing happens, of course.
		#MKERB-Sound-MunFlyingLow = Amounts of the newly detected particle are definitely decreasing as we get further into the Mun's gravity well.
		#MKERB-Sound-MunFlyingHigh = Based on this data, scientists at KSC are theorizing that this may be a new type of particle.
		#MKERB-Sound-MinmusInSpace = This data shows that there may be a new type of particle
		#MKERB-Sound-MinmusSrfLanded = The scientists at KSC have not yet found a name for the new particle.
		#MKERB-Sound-InSpace = We're no longer able to track anything on the new particle. 

		#MKERB-Sound-GillyInSpace = So small you could swallow it and make sound training with it.
		#MKERB-Sound-GillySrfLanded = You don't even bother.

		#MKERB-Sound-NeidonInSpace = No one will hear your screams!
		#MKERB-Sound-NeidonSrfLanded = You are scared that you will never hear another kerbal.

		#MKERB-Sound-PlockInSpace = You don't belive in sound anymore
		#MKERB-Sound-PlockSrfLanded = Nice echos but noone to hear them.

		#MKERB-Sound-PoltaInSpace = You scream against the giant rock.
		#MKERB-Sound-PoltaSrfLanded = You bang to rocks together, nothing happens.

		#MKERB-Sound-TalInSpace = The sound seems to flow around it.
		#MKERB-Sound-TalSrfLanded = You stomp your foot and nearly fly off into space.

		#MKERB-Sound-TektoInSpace = Looks like a sound chamber.
		#MKERB-Sound-TektoSrfLanded = You try to make a sound but nothing come out of your mouth.

		#MKERB-Sound-LaytheInSpace = Water sounds. How you miss them!
		#MKERB-Sound-LaytheSrfLanded = You hear some water or did you just dream that ?

		#MKERB-Sound-EelooInSpace = Looks like a gigant ice berg.
		#MKERB-Sound-EelooSrfLanded = Its to cold to press the button.

		#MKERB-Sound-ErnusInSpace = The heat does generate intresting data.
		#MKERB-Sound-ErnusSrfLanded = The vribartions are too severe.

		#MKERB-Sound-AtellInSpace = Quiet place.
		#MKERB-Sound-AtellSrfLanded = The sound seems to be sucked away.

		#MKERB-Sound-ApturInSpace = Bill would like to sind in th shower.
		#MKERB-Sound-ApturSrfLanded = The microphone is working.

		#MKERB-Sound-LaveInSpaceHigh = You hear a strange sqeek noise.
		#MKERB-Sound-LaveSrfLanded = The microphone got wet.

		#MKERB-Sound-TitanusInSpace = The device freaks out. Maybe jeb did play with it.
		#MKERB-Sound-TitanusSrfLanded = You hear some movement under the ground.

		#MKERB-Sound-VanorInSpace = The dust in the device makes the data unreliable.
		#MKERB-Sound-VanorSrfLanded = It seems to pick up some data.