Monero Flags (QBMF) by QuickBASIC

Monero Flags (QBMF) by QuickBASIC


Spanish (Español) <es-es.cfg>

zer0Kerbal opened this issue · 5 comments


Localization - Español Spanish (Español) <es-es.cfg>

To Be Done by :octocat: contributor

  • Some helpful reading
  • GameData (done by contributor)
    • add Localization<es-es.cfg> 🗃️
  • Translation
    • Español Spanish (Español) <es-es.cfg>
  1. Fork this repo
  2. Create a branch name it 'translations' or localizations (suggestions)
  3. goto GameData/.../Localization/
  4. copy <en-us.cfg>
  5. rename to <es-es.cfg>
  6. open the file and translate everything to the right of #??? =
  7. change the en-us to es-es
  8. please include an attribution to you in the localization file, something like:
  • // Translated by: [GitHubUserName](
  • alternatively if you want another name from the KSP forums...
  1. when done, PR it and you could reference this issue
  2. After it has been merged by me, you may delete your fork.

have fun and thank you! :octocat: 🎃


  • Completed:
    • assign
      • zer0Kerbal
      • Repo Localization Project
      • Label: type: localization
      • Label: help-wanted
      • hacktoberfest
      • good-first-issue
      • contributions-welcome
      • beginner-friendly
      • Milestone: Localization - Master

below done by @zer0Kerbal

  • Update
    • Documentation
      • [] 🔢
      • [] 🧾
    • docs/
      • docs/[]
    • Update Social Media
    • GitHub (automated) (zer0Kerbal/zer0Kerbal)
    • CurseForge
    • Reddit
    • Twitter @zer0Kerbal
    • Forum
    • Patreon
    • SpaceDock
    • CKAN (automated)

this file: © All Rights Reserved by zer0Kerbal


Hi again,
Ive just finished the translation and opened the PR


Hi, could I get this assigned?


Hi, could I get this assigned?

@alvarohghg Yes, assigned. Thank you in advance!

Any questions? queries? posers?


is the string section called "Agencies" the only one needed to be translated?


both sections please
tags are used to search in game (editor) for items in this pack
since Monero is a proper name, should just need something like 'Banderas Monero'

again, thank you.

		#QBMF-name = Monero Flags
		#QBMF-abbv = QBMF
		#QBMF-tags = monero flags qbmf

		// Agencies
		#QBMF-agency-name = Monero
		#QBMF-agency-desc = A growing IT startup providing anonymous kryptocurrency. Despite accusations of supporting illegal snacks trade, they mostly invest in high-risk industry such as aerospace. Agent: Duke Dr. General PH.D Economics and CFO: Hohmannson Kermin