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Next Star Industries


Ideas, thank you

mirror266 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hi thanks for this great mod and for the chance you give us to tell you our ideas on issue section. Very very kind. I'm no mod expert (not even an English language expert as you can see, sorry!) and I apologize if I had to say absurd things.

you decide if there is something interesting.

some I was looking for are: 

  1. Is it possible to keep something stationary in the atmosphere eg flying aircraft carrier explorable in eva? More or less like the part TT18-A Launch Stability Enhancer would do, but invisible with no collision and at a high altitude?

  2. destructively effect for high velocity impact? with camera vibration? Vanilla seems a bit weak.
    Perhaps with special invisible object like a rectangular plate of a few meters to put on vehicle.. Taking a example a impact at 7000km / h  spawn a big explosion (or a special particle effect?) if 10.000 km/h spawn it bigger.. good for hypersonic aircraft disasters, hypersonic missile or for more powerfull god hand rod from space.

perhaps it is even possible to simulate, maybe with another type of special invisible plate the perforation of a little wall or house by mach 6-7 hypersonic piercing weapons with explosion at the point of impact and 20 meters forward spawn a big missile or bomb that continues in the same direction at a lower speed as if the hypersonic missile had pierced the object?

  1. procedural wings and glass similar to procedural wings with possibility to choose even color and life/armor for use with bd armory.

procedural pieces with one face of metal but transparent for a pilot looking from the inside to outsider. for closed cockpits such as metal gear or ace combat falken / coffin?

Dck da Vinci's mod have very nice colour and cameo but maybe it's lot of work something similar?

sorry if i couldn't explain more briefly


All 3 can be done.

  1. Is super easy to do but collision boxes have to be attached to models in KSP. Maybe make it small enough it doesn't ever get hit.
    2 .I agree with the camera but there are mods that do this better already out. CameraFX is a good one.
  2. I'm already working on.

Thanks a lot!! Very kind!