OhScrap! (OHS) by severedsolo

OhScrap! (OHS) by severedsolo


[Request]: TestFlight support to run alongside OhScrap/Kerbalism

Starcatcher2009 opened this issue · 5 comments


Description of the new feature / enhancement

When TestFlight along with it's appropriate configs are detected, OhScrap's Engine/SRB failure module retreats from the parts and let TF takes place.

Proposed technical implementation details

A solution could be setting the Engine Failure Module and SRB Failure Module bools in the save settings to False, then set it to private so no one can switch it on. However, I also want engines that doesn't have TestFlight configs (yet) to utilize OhScrap's part failure system instead, which unfortunately I don't know how to do.


Thank you. Kindly read contributiing.md, code_of_conduct.md and styleguide.md.\n These are boilerplate.


@Starcatcher2009 thank you for the request.

OhScrap! (OS) and ScrapYard (SY) should be getting a major update pass shortly, have come to an agreement with another coder who knows KSP code spaghetti probably better than anyone including most devs. When they get done with their current project, we will do an update pass.

Would you kindly archive (.zip) and drop both your KSPRoot/KSP.log and GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache in a comment so I can see if this behavior can be changed for you via a simple patch.

If you are using ModuleManager/L the config cache is located KSPROOT/PluginData/ModuleManger/ConfigCache.cfg

Thank you.


Sorry, but since my computer is going through an update I can’t send the log to you currently.
My hypothesis is that we add a :HAS[!TESTFLIGHT] and probably :AFTER[zTestFlight] passes to the SRBFailureModule.cfg and EngineFailureModule.cfg patches. That is if the bool works as “If true, enable the patches from the cfg files”. If it’s not, and the abcFailureModule.cfg are just for decoys, then it won’t work.
(Edit: Every TestFlight config pack in CKAN is either out-of-date (Starstrider42’s packs) or isn’t written via MM patches (the official pack). Use my pack instead, adopted and updated from Starstrider’s work 😉) https://www.dropbox.com/s/0aysg78hw3bcszf/Starcatchers_Mods.zip?dl=0


Will look at it shortly.

I seem to have misunderstood your request - I believe I understand now.

You want OS/SY to stand down on those parts if TestFlight is installed. Correct? 👽

If so - easy. 🚀

Thing is - would be best as a PatchManager setup so players/users could turn it on/off as they see fit without having to go into the bowels of GameData (I know - hard; but is still beyond the abilities and courage of many players).

I don't know PatchManager (as in how to set it up).

Will look at your dropbox configs in the next couple of days.


If so then I’ll suggest 2 solutions to this:

  • Either we get rid of the Engine/SRB failure options in the save settings and move it to Patch Manager
  • Or include an option (or 2 more options if you want to choose the SRB and liquid engine failures separately) in the settings that allows TestFlight to override OhScrap for the TF configured parts.