


Fixed discover order?

gyf1214 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I'm testing this mod for my next career play through based on GPP(Galileo's Planet Pack)

It seems that the first planet discovered is always Icarus, the first planet in the system.

I check the code, finding that on completion of "Search the Sky" contracts (@CCContractExtensions.cs:372), it just iterates the undiscovered bodies within the range and picks the first one in the list. I also check the implementation of Database.instance.BodyList (@Database.cs:143), it just loads the list from global.

Is it intended or just a basic version?

Yet it is true that based on the relative position of planets, bodies within the range varied through time. But I still recommend some mechanism other than simply by the index of body in the list. #28 seems a bit complicated. Just a randomization will make it better.


Yup. Have randomized it.