SafetyWall (WALL) by godarklight

SafetyWall (WALL) by godarklight


Brazalian (Português Brasil) <pt-br.cfg>

zer0Kerbal opened this issue · 4 comments


Localization - Português Brasil Brazilian Portuguese (Português Brasil) <pt-br.cfg>

To Be Done by :octocat: contributor

  • Some helpful reading
  • GameData (done by contributor)
    • add Localization<pt-br.cfg> 🗃️
  • Translation
    • Português Brasil Brazilian Portuguese (Português Brasil) <pt-br.cfg>
  1. Fork this repo
  2. Create a branch name it 'translations' or localizations (suggestions)
  3. goto GameData/.../Localization/
  4. copy <en-us.cfg>
  5. rename to <pt-br.cfg>
  6. open the file and translate everything to the right of #??? =
  7. change the en-us to pt-br
  8. please include an attribution to you in the localization file, something like:
  • // Translated by: [GitHubUserName](
  • alternatively if you want another name from the KSP forums...
  1. when done, PR it and you could reference this issue
  2. After it has been merged by me, you may delete your fork.

have fun and thank you! :octocat: 🎃


  • Completed:
    • assign
      • zer0Kerbal
      • Repo Localization Project
      • Label: type: localization
      • Label: help-wanted
      • hacktoberfest
      • good-first-issue
      • contributions-welcome
      • beginner-friendly
      • Milestone: Localization - Master

below done by @zer0Kerbal

  • Update
    • Documentation
      • [] 🔢
      • [] 🧾
    • docs/
      • docs/[]
    • Update Social Media
    • GitHub (automated) (zer0Kerbal/zer0Kerbal)
    • CurseForge
    • Reddit
    • Twitter @zer0Kerbal
    • Forum
    • Patreon
    • SpaceDock
    • CKAN (automated)

this file: © All Rights Reserved by zer0Kerbal


Can i help you? I'm brazilian.


Can i help you? I'm brazilian.

Yes, kindly follow the instructions above and translate the file en-us.cfg into a new file pt-br.cfg.


Please, I have a question. When you mention 'SafetyWall', do you envision a safety fence like this or a protective wall like this? There are different translation for these structures. In case none of them apply, could you provide an image as an example?


this is a safety barrier around a space port to protect the public from concrete flying at the speed of sound as a rocket takes off, along with keeping people out so they don't get fried by said rocket's firey plume of death. 😁
