Sigma Dimensions

Sigma Dimensions


scatterer compatibility

Sigma88 opened this issue ยท 8 comments


@Galileo88 I am working to add scatterer compatibility to SD

could you test out this version of SD? link

this version should do automatically what you define here

it also adds an option to bypass the "Rescale" parameter by adding a "customRescale" inside the star node (in case you need a different rescale factor)


Scatterer does rescale some parameters automatically if it detects that the values are unsuitable for the body they are being applied to. This is how you can apply Kerbin's configs to, say, Duna and they'll still look suitably sized. It's probably wise to get @LGhassen's input on these cases.


sure, the more the merrier

the only thing I did was translate into a plugin what galileo had done in the cfgs for Rescale!

I guess those modifications are required, otherwise he would not have added them to the cfg (I suppose)


I've found a couple of issues, this one should be better:



@LGhassen I'm not very familiar with scatterer.

what galileo currently changes in his cfgs is this:

	@flareSettings[2] /= #$@SigmaDimensions/Rescale$
	@spikesSettings[2] /= #$@SigmaDimensions/Rescale$
	@sunGlareFadeDistance *= #$@SigmaDimensions/Rescale$

so, basically, he divides the third element of "flareSettings" and "spikesSettings" by the Rescale parameter (which is a multiplier for orbits)

so in a 10x system, those values will be divided by 10

while he multiplies "sunGlareFadeDistance" by the Rescale parameter

I had to write a plugin to edit those parameter because they are not accessible via MM


@Galileo88 @Poodmund if any of you could test this version of SD I can use your opinion

I have no idea what the intended result must look like so I might miss something when taking a look


Yes, it makes sense, the values used in scatterer are inverses.


Scatterer rescales atmos automatically based on your planet's radius.

Is there anything you had to modify manually or that needs changes in sigma dimensions?

The (sun)flares aren't resized however, so go ahead.


as far as I can tell this should be solved