ModuleManager error on load
TykoTek opened this issue ยท 3 comments
This message pops up during game launch:
1 error related to GameData/Dimensions/Configs/ReDimension/newCacheFiles.cfg
Here are my log files:
apparently you have a body without a name, this will cause all kinds of errors with kopernicus as well
[ModuleManager] Cannot find key name in Body
you should be able to find out which body is the nameless one by removing SD and then looking at the module manager cachefile
after that, you should find which is the mod that creates a body without a name and fix that
once all bodies have a name, SD will stop giving errors
PS: the KSP.log was fine for this report, but you seem to have shared the old output_log
for future reference, the output_log.txt file now has been moved by SQUAD in an effort to encourage modding, you will now find it here:
%AppData%\..\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\output_log.txt
which is clearly a much easier place where to find the logs compared with the game install folder
Thanks! Interestingly I rolled back to 0.9.8 and the problem disappeared. I'm only running GPP which has always been pretty bug free. I am running a pre-release of ReScale, but I didn't think that would change the body names and such.
Appreciate the quick reply.