Sigma Dimensions

Sigma Dimensions


AVC support?

linuxgurugamer opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Curious as to why you removed the AVC support?
Are you still including the .version file?


I am not including .version files anymore, I removed AVC support for two reasons,

1- I don't have enough time to keep updating everything like I used to, so I stripped down my KSP modding to the essentials (closed forum threads, twitter, CKAN, etc)

2- My firewall is now blocking KSP, so I can't debug any issues that might arise by the use of mods that require internet access.

I was always a strong supporter of KSP-AVC, but the combination of SQUAD attitude towards mods (that played a key role in my losing interest in modding) plus the fact that AVC had some unresolved issues that were never addressed resulted in my decision to drop it.


Ok, understood. Just an FYI, Ive adopted AVC, have fixed what I know about.
Could you tell me what specific issues you were having with AVC?


I personally didn't have any issues with it, but I noticed that on the old thread there were a lot of people complaining about spamming of messages and all the other issue you can find mentioned in the thread.

given that you were one of the people complaining I assume that now those issues are probably solved since you adopted the mod

I'll keep it in mind in case I decide to come back with a more active modding presence

thanks for letting me know


Sounds good, thanks