Stack Inline Light Patches (SILP)

Stack Inline Light Patches (SILP)


Korean (한국어) <ko.cfg>

zer0Kerbal opened this issue · 2 comments


Localization - 한국어 Korean (한국어) <ko.cfg>

To Be Done by :octocat: contributor

  • Some helpful reading
  • GameData (done by contributor)
    • add Localization<ko.cfg> 🗃️
  • Translation
    • 한국어 Korean (한국어) <ko.cfg>
  1. Fork this repo
  2. Create a branch name it 'translations' or localizations (suggestions)
  3. goto GameData/.../Localization/
  4. copy <en-us.cfg>
  5. rename to <ko.cfg>
  6. open the file and translate everything to the right of #??? =
  7. change the en-us to ko
  8. please include an attribution to you in the localization file, something like:
  • // Translated by: [GitHubUserName](
  • alternatively if you want another name from the KSP forums...
  1. when done, PR it and you could reference this issue
  2. After it has been merged by me, you may delete your fork.

have fun and thank you! :octocat: 🎃


  • assign
    • zer0Kerbal
    • Repo Localization Project
    • Label: type: localization
    • Label: help-wanted
    • Milestone: Localization - Master


  • Update [] 🔢
  • Update [] 🧾


  • Update docs/[]

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  • GitHub (automated) (zer0Kerbal/zer0Kerbal)
  • CurseForge
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  • Twitter @zer0Kerbal
  • Forum
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  • SpaceDock
  • CKAN (automated)

this file: © All Rights Reserved by zer0Kerbal


Is this open? I can help out. You want Korean to english localization?


Is this open? I can help out. You want Korean to english localization?

Yes it is, and yes want English to Korean translation (take and create ko.cfg with the Korean translations)

along with it's parent Stack Inline Lights (SIL) zer0Kerbal/StackInlineLights#23