DaMichel's Spherical Tanks (DST)

DaMichel's Spherical Tanks (DST)


B9 issue

zer0Kerbal opened this issue ยท 3 comments


From SphericalTanksOld created by zer0Kerbal: zer0Kerbal/SphericalTanksOld#1

per @Krzeszny

I'm getting a B9 error that opens a window which asks me to close KSP. A similar error was mentioned on page 2 of this thread. It started happening when I copied an instance of KSP and uninstalled some mods. Mods are up to date in CKAN and all 4 DaMichels part packs are installed.

[LOG 00:04:11.403] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'DaMichel/SphericalTanks/Parts/c125-r88-SphericalTank/DM-SphericalTank-125-88'
[ERR 00:04:11.403] PartCompiler: Cannot replace texture 'c125-colormap' as cannot find texture 'DaMichel/SphericalTanks/Parts/c125-colormap' to replace with

[ERR 00:04:11.404] PartCompiler: Cannot replace texture as cannot find texture 'c125-normalmap_NRM' to replace

[WRN 00:04:11.406] PartLoader Warning: Variable tankVolume not found in Part
[WRN 00:04:11.406] PartLoader Warning: Variable B9Volume not found in Part
[ERR 00:04:11.411] Module ModuleB9PartSwitch threw during OnLoad: System.Exception: Fatal exception while loading fields on module ModuleB9PartSwitch on part ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading field subtypes on type B9PartSwitch.ModuleB9PartSwitch ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading fields on subtype PartSubtype EC+MP ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading field tankType on type B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype ---> System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: No tank type named 'KGExSupport' exists
at B9PartSwitch.B9TankSettings.GetTankType (System.String name) [0x00030] in <2aacd5f344de4b4cbd0690767697fdd6>:0
at B9PartSwitch.TankTypeValueParser.Parse (System.String value) [0x0000b] in <2aacd5f344de4b4cbd0690767697fdd6>:0
at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataMappers.ValueScalarMapper.Load (System.Object& fieldValue, ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00022] in <2aacd5f344de4b4cbd0690767697fdd6>:0
at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataField.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00043] in <2aacd5f344de4b4cbd0690767697fdd6>:0
at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataList.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00025] in <2aacd5f344de4b4cbd0690767697fdd6>:0
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataList.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00058] in <2aacd5f344de4b4cbd0690767697fdd6>:0
at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataObjectExtensions.LoadFields (System.Object obj, ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00033] in <2aacd5f344de4b4cbd0690767697fdd6>:0
at B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00000] in <2aacd5f344de4b4cbd0690767697fdd6>:0
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x0001d] in <2aacd5f344de4b4cbd0690767697fdd6>:0
at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Parsers.NodeObjectWrapperIContextualNode.Load (System.Object& obj, ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00038] in <2aacd5f344de4b4cbd0690767697fdd6>:0
at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataMappers.NodeListMapper.Load (System.Object& fieldValue, ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x0009e] in <2aacd5f344de4b4cbd0690767697fdd6>:0
at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataField.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00043] in <2aacd5f344de4b4cbd0690767697fdd6>:0
at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataList.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00025] in <2aacd5f344de4b4cbd0690767697fdd6>:0
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataList.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00058] in <2aacd5f344de4b4cbd0690767697fdd6>:0
at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataObjectExtensions.LoadFields (System.Object obj, ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00033] in <2aacd5f344de4b4cbd0690767697fdd6>:0
at B9PartSwitch.CustomPartModule.OnLoad (ConfigNode node) [0x000ea] in <2aacd5f344de4b4cbd0690767697fdd6>:0
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at B9PartSwitch.CustomPartModule.OnLoad (ConfigNode node) [0x0010f] in <2aacd5f344de4b4cbd0690767697fdd6>:0
at PartModule.Load (ConfigNode node) [0x001ab] in :0

tankType = KGExSupport can be found in Fuselage and in SphericalTanks patches



after LazTek - the plan is DaMichel's next. So much will be fixed,improved. Thank you for reporting and mostly, for your patience.


Still occurring with fresh install of SphericalTanks as of today.


@GreenKeldeo after LazTek - the plan is DaMichel's next. So much will be fixed,improved. Thank you for reporting and mostly, for your patience.

No problem; just shoot me a ping in the SpaceDock Discord if you'd like to talk to me more about anything I report, or need information/files I've forgotten to share!