SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


New Module - SSTUAnimateLight

shadowmage45 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


A module responsible for updating light and emissive properties based upon the config setup. Can also optionally control an external animation module for movement-animated objects.


  • Config float-curve based color and brightness settings for both emissives and light objects.
  • Can add a light to any existing transform on a part if the light is not already present - don't even need to mess about with Unity; just add an empty in blender, oriented z+ 'forward', and enter that transform name in the config.
  • Can handle animation looping (optional). Once the animation has completed its 'turn on' sequence, it can enter a front-to-back-to-front type loop, based from a second set of color curves.
  • Curves for light and emissive are separate.
  • Animation start and loop time configurable in config file.


  • Link to SSTUAnimateControlled for optional control of physical animation.


  • Test light-control code
  • Find params for default light setup -- what should range/intensity/type be set to as defaults?
  • Test that an animation-controlled light/mesh setup still works properly. -- will require making a test case; likely first test will be the SC-A-SM deployable light.


  • Basic interaction / GUI controls
  • Basic program flow control
  • Add link to SSTUAnimateControlled -- should be done in Start()? (will need to set state after linking is done)
  • Add control to SSTUAnimateControlled -- should be doable purely in the SetState(...) method.
  • Update SSTUAnimateControlled to have optional drag-cube updating (so that it does not conflict with parachute modules/etc). (it already does not touch drag cubes at all)