SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


Pre-Release TODO: First 'Public Beta' Release / Open thread in Add-On Releases forum

shadowmage45 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Scheduling this to be done as soon as the SC-B-CM / SM rework is done. Would do it now, but will be breaking those parts, and don't want my first 'public update' to be breaking parts.

Will open up a thread in the 'Addon On Releases' forum section, update licensing to new permissive licensing (with all necesssary exceptions listed), open up the public release repository, and add a bunch of test/sample craft using SSTU parts.

Will continue in 'Public Beta' stage until all goals for the 0.4 release have been met (basically whenever the initial Ship Core parts are done and usable; payload fairings, interstage decoupler, MSRB, Service-Modules).