SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


Blue Texture

Jimbodiah opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Would a blue Boeing/Delta texture be possible down the line somewhere?


haha, i asked for the white one ;). never worked with gimp, but if you could share I'd love to go exploring.


I'd actually like the challenge of figuring out new software, so it would be exciting. Already have 3 textures in mind, if I ever figure it out and it's presentable, they are your's to distribute.


GIMP project file for the tank textures:

Is a pretty big file, so might take dropbox a few minutes for it to upload/be available.


I have no desire for more textures at this point in time or for the foreseeable future; I won't even use 3/4 of those that I have already made (like.. what is the point on the white texture? IDK.. but someone asked for it). Perhaps if I were able to actually play KSP my response might be different (cannot due to ram limitations and OPM/Kopernicus being a buggy POS crashing my game all the time), but for right now I have no time to spend on creating 'just for looks' stuff.

However, if you would like, I can send you the GIMP project files and you can make them up yourself. Adding them to the parts is as simple as creating a new MM patch that follows the layout of the existing patches.


I am artistically challenged when it comes to computer graphics. Tattoo designs are a different matter, though.


:) Took a quick look, lot's to learn I think.


Its certainly a process... I think it took me like 6-8 months of working with it before I really figured GIMP out; and I'm still learning new techniques even now.

Let me know if you need any specific pointers. And I can also walk you through the process when you get ready to export it (need to apply the specular mask, or it'll be super-shiny in the VAB).