SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


SC-B-CM - Heatshield needs balanced

shadowmage45 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Part needs max temp increased
Heatshield needs some hand-tuning of the usage curves/etc


Balanced for 1600 peak temp, ~450 ablator used, for a mun to 30k capture. Could possibly be tweaked a bit more, but need to gather more information regarding re-entry from duna/etc returns.



The heatshield is fine with me now in RSS+RealHeat, with this patch[1] installed. It has 187 ablator left when performing a LEO lifting reentry. Might not be enough when reentrying directly from the Moon or Mars.

[1]Patch is:

        @name = ModuleHeatShield
        // Globally, the base is 5. Consider making this 8.75 for all but Mk1pod
        @lossConst *= 0.0008
        @pyrolysisLossFactor *= 50
        @reentryConductivity = 0.01
        @ablationTempThresh = 1000

That patch does literally nothing for the heatshield on that pod, at least not for the SSTUHeatShield -- that patch would only effect DRE/stock heatshields, neither of which I support.