SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


SSTUModularFuelTank - duplicating models on symmetry updates

shadowmage45 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


It occurs when symmetry is on, and only the selected side meets this.
Reproducing steps:
(Maybe need Realfuels installed, not sure about it)

  • Select a tank, change its size
  • Attach it to a side decoupler(I've only tested with this), do not add anything in the bottom.
  • Change its length, size, nose or mount for a few times
  • Notice collided texture on one side

If it doesn't reproduce the issue, try detaching it and attach again. For me, it works.


I had it without real fuels or MFT.


Tracked it down to the method I was using to update symmetry -- was feeding it the symmetry counterparts the references for the data from the updated part, rather than their own data/objects.

Fixed in dev, and it all seems to be playing nicely now.