SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


SC-TANK-MFT - Drag cubes are incorrect

shadowmage45 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


While following a fuel tank from an exploded rocket down to the ground, i noticed that it did not have the same terminal velocity as other parts, and in fact continued to increase speed the entire way down.

Need to make sure that the drag-cube recalculation for these parts is in-fact happening, and that the proper drag cubes are calculated for a given part configuration (e.g. it sees the entire model properly).

While I'm at it, should also add a CoP/CoL offset to the modular fuel tanks to make them self-stabalize upon re-entry (the tank I was testing flew without altering orientation through the entire trajectory). This might be caused in-part by the lack of properly calculated/rendered drag cubes -- won't know until I fix them first.

Should also investigate the MUS parts (and potentially any other procedural part as well), as they likely suffer from the same or very similar issues.