SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


New Parts - Series E - Redux

shadowmage45 opened this issue ยท 0 comments



  • 6-part shuttle system
    • Fuselage (incl. all engines, rcs, cargo-bay, fuel capacity, heat-shielding, air-brakes?)
    • Left Wing (needed for proper body/wing lift split)
    • Right Wing (needed for proper body/wing lift split)
    • Left Elevon (needed for proper partial-control surface for such a large wing)
    • Right Elevon (needed for proper partial-control surface for such a large wing)
    • Tail (needed for rudder control surface)
  • Will attach through attach nodes for precision placement and orientation.
  • All functions necessary for normal use will be integrated.
  • Manipulator arm will need to be an external optional part (other mods' works; no need to replicate them when they are already good enough for this purpose).

Rough model is done, parts are in-game and semi-usable. Work is continuing on modeling and configuration.


  • Docking port geometry
  • Config balance to enable re-entry (heat-tuning). Might need to finish the heat-shield module for non-ablative uses.
  • Add SSTUHeatShield to remove the black-body radiation part glow on re-entry/etc.
  • Add drag-parachute for landing assist (at rear)
  • Add fuel cell and/or increase EC capacity (a few k is probably acceptable)
  • Increase fuel capacity to balance for ~350dV on OMS engines
  • Increase OMS engine thrust to balance against the heavy orbiter (or at least get the TWR to be similar to the real article).