SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


General Enhancement - Ensure FAR and RealChute compatibility

shadowmage45 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


... and other parts in general.

As the mod is a 'RO Suggested Mod', I should probably make sure that it actually works with the suggested RO mods list.

Most things should not have any problems, however there has been expressed some concern regarding FAR, RealChute, and the new parachute system.

Will need to investigate what is necessary to tell FAR that it needs to recalculate drag. Will need to determine how to tell FAR that the parachutes are supposed to create 'extra' drag (and/or patch in some rescaling to realistic parachute sizes).

Known Issues:

  • Parachutes do not function (as they are drag cube based, and drag cubes are not used with FAR at all)
  • Command Pods have inverted lift/drag vector, and they will attempt re-entry nose-first. Cause unknown, solution unknown.
    • This -is- a COM issue, but the markers in the editor are less-than-useful for this purpose.
    • Will need to supply a patch for FAR that adjusts the COM of certain parts to make them fly properly
  • NodeFairings voxelize even when 'disabled'. I believe this is because I was trying to be nice and only disabled the render rather than deleting the mesh; might update the module to fix this... might leave it as-is.

Parts needing COM adjustment:

  • SC-A-CM
  • SC-A-BPC
  • SC-B-CM
  • SC-B-BPC
  • SC-C-BPC