SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


New Parts: SC-GEN-MCB - Modular Cargo Bays

shadowmage45 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Set of parts with similar setup to the MFT parts.

Will have a central cargo bay segment, which may be repeated to increase length of the cargo bay. Will include end-caps that are optional/repositioned depending upon the current part setup. Will include animated bay doors where appropriate

Current variants:

  • Standard cylindrical
  • Mk3 / Series-E (though not usable with series-E as it is built of non-configurable parts).
  • Half-cylindrical open frame bay. Will include jettisonable fairings for during ascent. Could be used for in-line drop-tanks or HTOL rover delivery.

Things to figure out:

  • How to handle animations?
    • Manual/plugin based -- would be limited to very simple animations
    • Part/compiled -- could use any pre-compiled animation, but how to allow dynamic swapping of the animations during run-time?
      • Could potentially add a 're-init animations' method to the animation control module. It would discard current references and re-acquire based on its config values. Would require consistent naming for all animation names or dynamic changing of the anim name based on part setups.
  • Airstream shielding mechanics. Can interlink with the SSTUAirstreamShield module and allow it to contain all logic, but will need to add a 'cargo-bay-is-open' type flag to it for when shielding should be disabled.