SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


Ship Core - Series B: New Part - SC-B-SRB (Progress Tracking)

shadowmage45 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


4 parts with a shared texture

  • 16m 2-Segment SRB
  • 22m 3-Segment SRB
  • 28m 4-Segment SRB
  • 34m 5-Segment SRB

Nosecone will be a mesh-switch option, with both straight nosecone, side-tapered nosecone, and flat mounting-plate nose. Might need to shorten the segments -slightly- to help with compatibility

  • Basic Geometry - WIP (need 2-segment built/exported/compiled)
  • UV - not done
  • Animation - NA
  • Texture - WIP
  • Config - WIP (need 2-segment)