SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


Pre-Release TODO - SC-E RO Patch Details

Jimbodiah opened this issue · 7 comments



[Post has been edited; original post follows]

The shuttle needs some kind of energy supply, as it runs out of juice quickly. Fuel cell?

When landing, the shuttle has a tendency to keel over backwards on it's landing gear as the back is quite heavy. Same with landing, it's quite hard to get the nose down for the front gear to touch, and stay, on the ground.

When descending towards the last few km, the shuttle keeps slowing down to below 300m/s despite being angled downwards considerably.


Can CoM be changed, ie toggle it so you can set the launch or land mode? This might also improve orbital maneuvering once the main tank has been jetissoned, as it behaves quite "spastically" at the moment.

Re the gliding, just wanted to point out that when pointing down around 45° it keeps decelerating as if it has a huge drag (like falling bottom first during re-entry instead of nose down like a plane). Once you tip it down further it will suddenly accelerate again. This is probably stock aerodynamics though. I never use planes/SSTOs, so I might be fighting KSP on this again.


Little aero balancing has been done yet;
EC - known problem, fuel cell has not been added yet (will also be bumping up the EC storage)
COM -- see point 1 - it has only preliminary aero balancing. COM needs to come forward and/or COL rearward, probably some of both.

Gliding - yah, 300m/s is nearly mach1; nothing is going to glide anywhere near that fast. I would expect glide speed to be <200m/s anywhere below 6k or so. Should be around 100m/s on touchdown, -after- the flareout (~200mph).
Should be around 120m/s glide at a 20 degree glide angle when it is all balanced.


No, I will likely not be putting COM toggles into craft, it is far too unrealistic (especially for this case; it might make sense in a few smaller command pods, but certainly not in a shuttle).

Generally though, the shuttle COM should be -just barely- in front of the rear wheels. So yes, it is going to take some coaxing to get the nose down. This is entirely realistic.

Check out the 'fwd limit' and 'aft limit' on this diagram -- those are the CoM maximum deviation points (they are roughly at the third cargo-bay segment):


I made a generator to slap on parts like this. But, the original shuttle does have 3 fuel cells. With that said, given the integrated engines and my experience with adding generators/converters to parts as such, cause a little havoc, which you've commented on in the past on a thread in which where I learned it from. But, if you can make it work, by all means, slap it on there.


Should be added and working in the release that was posted on Tuesday. I did not notice any issues with it -- the staging problems that it had were cleaned up sometime between 1.0 and 1.05 (where it would auto-activate all engines/activateable modules as soon as the part launched).


speaking of RO patch for the shuttle...

    %RSSROConfig = True
        %scale = 1.5625,1.5625,1.5625
        @position = 0, 16.979515625, -3.59375
        @position = 0, 23.257453125, 1.22628125
    //%rescaleFactor = 1.25
    @node_stack_mpu = 0, -14.0625, 0, 0, -1, 0, 2
    @node_stack_wingLeft = -2.725328125, 7.8125, 0.87296875, -0.99452, 0, -0.10453, 2
    @node_stack_wingRight = 2.725328125, 7.8125, 0.87296875, 0.99452, 0, -0.10453, 2
    @node_stack_tail = 0, -2.385421875, -4.288359375, 0, 0, -1, 2
    @node_stack_bayFront = 0, 15.791875, 0.1890625, 0, -1, 0, 2
    @node_stack_bayRear = 0, 0.15625, -1.171875, 0, 1, 0, 2
    @node_stack_dock = 0, 16.979515625, -3.7311875, 0, 0, -1, 2
    @node_stack_bottom = 0, -8.19609375, 0, 0, -1, 0, 2
    @node_stack_maineng1 = 1.3965625, -5.503125, -0.29984375, 0, -1, 0, 2
    @node_stack_maineng2 = -1.3965625, -5.503125, -0.29984375, 0, -1, 0, 2
    @node_stack_maineng3 = 0, -4.79859375, -3.120625, 0, -1, 0, 2
    @node_stack_omseng1 = 2.22484375, -3,3874, -2,6218, 0, -1, 0, 2
    @node_stack_omseng2 = -2.22484375, -3.3874, -2.6218, 0, -1, 0, 2
    @node_attach = 0, 7.8125, 1.78125, 0, 0, -1, 2
    @title = Space Shuttle Fuselage w/o Engines
    %manufacturer = Rockwell International
    @description = The Space Shuttle orbiter was the reusable spaceplane component of the Space Shuttle program. Operated by NASA, the U.S. space agency, this vehicle could carry astronauts and payloads into low Earth orbit, perform in-space operations, then re-enter the atmosphere and land as a glider, returning its crew and any on-board payload to the Earth.
    @mass  = 38.68
    @maxTemp = 2800
    %skinMaxTemp = 3600
    @CoMOffset = 0, 7.03125, 0
    @CoLOffset = 0, 7.03125, 0
        @PitchTorque = 0.5
        @YawTorque = 0.5
        @RollTorque = 0.5
        name = ModuleRTAntenna
        IsRTActive = true
        Mode0OmniRange = 0
        Mode1OmniRange = 7.2E+07
        EnergyCost = 0.13
        PacketInterval = 0.3
        PacketSize = 2
        PacketResourceCost = 0.001
        name = ModuleFuelTanks
        type = ServiceModule
        volume = 18577.32
        basemass = -1
            name = ElectricCharge
            amount = 27871.6
            maxAmount = 27871.6
            name = Oxygen
            amount = 82908
            maxAmount = 82908
            name = Water
            amount = 54
            maxAmount = 541.324
            name = Food
            amount = 819
            maxAmount = 819
            name = LithiumHydroxide
            amount = 94.62
            maxAmount = 94.62
            name = CarbonDioxide
            amount = 0
            maxAmount = 17673
            name = Waste
            amount = 0
            maxAmount = 74.5
            name = WasteWater
            amount = 0
            maxAmount = 689.36
            name = MMH
            amount = 750
            maxAmount = 750
            name = NTO
            amount = 750
            maxAmount = 750
        @deflectionLiftCoeff = 1.46484375
        @dragAtMaxAoA = 0.244140625
        @dragAtMinAoA = 0.0732421875
        topY = 15.625
        bottomY = 0
        topRadius = 2.9296875
        bottomRadius = 2.9296875
        @thrusterPower = 4
        @resourceName = LiquidFuel
            name = MMH
            ratio = 1
            name = NTO
            ratio = 1
            @key = 0 316
            @key = 1 100
    name = TacGenericConverter
    converterName = CO2 Scrubber
    conversionRate = 7.1    // # of people - Figures based on per/person
    inputResources = CarbonDioxide, 0.0058912100, ElectricCharge, 0.010, LithiumHydroxide, 0.0000085683
    outputResources = Water, 0.000000020, true, Waste, 0.0000000054, false
    name = ModuleGenerator
    isAlwaysActive = false
    requiresAllinputs = true
    resourceThreshold = 0.05
    activateGUIName = Activate Fuel Cell
    shutdownGUIName = Shutdown Fuel Cell
    efficiency = 95
            name = MMH
            rate = 0.0248888
            name = NTO
            rate = 0.0188888
            name = ElectricCharge
            rate = 4.26

    %RSSROConfig = True
        %scale = 1.5625,1.5625,1.5625
        @position = 0, 16.979515625, -3.59375
        @position = 0, 23.257453125, 1.22628125
    //%rescaleFactor = 1.25
    @node_stack_mpu = 0, -14.0625, 0, 0, -1, 0, 2
    @node_stack_wingLeft = -2.725328125, 7.8125, 0.87296875, -0.99452, 0, -0.10453, 2
    @node_stack_wingRight = 2.725328125, 7.8125, 0.87296875, 0.99452, 0, -0.10453, 2
    @node_stack_tail = 0, -2.385421875, -4.288359375, 0, 0, -1, 2
    @node_stack_bayFront = 0, 15.791875, 0.1890625, 0, -1, 0, 2
    @node_stack_bayRear = 0, 0.15625, -1.171875, 0, 1, 0, 2
    @node_stack_dock = 0, 16.979515625, -3.7311875, 0, 0, -1, 2
    @node_stack_bottom = 0, -8.19609375, 0, 0, -1, 0, 2
    @node_attach = 0, 7.8125, 1.78125, 0, 0, -1, 2
    @title = Space Shuttle Fuselage
    %manufacturer = Rockwell International
    @description = The Space Shuttle orbiter was the reusable spaceplane component of the Space Shuttle program. Operated by NASA, the U.S. space agency, this vehicle could carry astronauts and payloads into low Earth orbit, perform in-space operations, then re-enter the atmosphere and land as a glider, returning its crew and any on-board payload to the Earth.
    @mass  = 48.447
    @maxTemp = 2800
    %skinMaxTemp = 3600
    @CoMOffset = 0, 3.90625, 0
    @CoLOffset = 0, 7.03125, 0
        %minThrust = 4075.5
        %maxThrust = 6959.7
        %heatProduction = 240
            @ratio = 0.7276
            @name = LqdOxygen
            @ratio = 0.2724
            @key,0 = 0 453
            @key,1 = 1 363
        %ullage = True
        %pressureFed = False
        %ignitions = 1
            name = ElectricCharge
            amount = 1.0
        @minThrust = 53.4
        @maxThrust = 53.4
        @heatProduction = 17.5
            @name = MMH
            @ratio = 0.504
            name = NTO
            ratio = 0.496
            @key,0 = 0 316
            @key,1 = 1 100
        ullage = False
        pressureFed = True
            name = ElectricCharge
            amount = 0.3
        @PitchTorque = 0.5
        @YawTorque = 0.5
        @RollTorque = 0.5
        name = ModuleRTAntenna
        IsRTActive = true
        Mode0OmniRange = 0
        Mode1OmniRange = 7.2E+07
        EnergyCost = 0.13
        PacketInterval = 0.3
        PacketSize = 2
        PacketResourceCost = 0.001
        name = ModuleFuelTanks
        type = ServiceModule
        volume = 18577.32
        basemass = -1
            name = ElectricCharge
            amount = 27871.6
            maxAmount = 27871.6
            name = Oxygen
            amount = 82908
            maxAmount = 82908
            name = Water
            amount = 54
            maxAmount = 541.324
            name = Food
            amount = 819
            maxAmount = 819
            name = LithiumHydroxide
            amount = 94.62
            maxAmount = 94.62
            name = CarbonDioxide
            amount = 0
            maxAmount = 17673
            name = Waste
            amount = 0
            maxAmount = 74.5
            name = WasteWater
            amount = 0
            maxAmount = 689.36
            name = MMH
            amount = 9289
            maxAmount = 9289
            name = NTO
            amount = 9289
            maxAmount = 9289
        @deflectionLiftCoeff = 1.46484375
        @dragAtMaxAoA = 0.244140625
        @dragAtMinAoA = 0.0732421875
        topY = 15.625
        bottomY = 0
        topRadius = 2.9296875
        bottomRadius = 2.9296875
        @thrusterPower = 4
        @resourceName = LiquidFuel
            name = MMH
            ratio = 1
            name = NTO
            ratio = 1
            @key = 0 316
            @key = 1 100
    name = TacGenericConverter
    converterName = CO2 Scrubber
    conversionRate = 7.1    // # of people - Figures based on per/person
    inputResources = CarbonDioxide, 0.0058912100, ElectricCharge, 0.010, LithiumHydroxide, 0.0000085683
    outputResources = Water, 0.000000020, true, Waste, 0.0000000054, false
    name = ModuleGenerator
    isAlwaysActive = false
    requiresAllinputs = true
    resourceThreshold = 0.05
    activateGUIName = Activate Fuel Cell
    shutdownGUIName = Shutdown Fuel Cell
    efficiency = 95
            name = MMH
            rate = 0.0248888
            name = NTO
            rate = 0.0188888
            name = ElectricCharge
            rate = 4.26

    %RSSROConfig = True
        %scale = 1.5625,1.5625,1.5625
        @position = -0.779390625, -4.236828125, 0.668015625
    @node_stack_elevon = -4.66115625, -9.967234375, 0.81553125, 0, -1, 0, 2
    @title = Space Shuttle Wing - Left
    %manufacturer = Rockwell International
    @mass = 5.0
    @maxTemp = 2800
    %skinMaxTemp = 3600
    @CoLOffset = -3.125, -3.125, -0.390625  
        @deflectionLiftCoeff = 12.20703125
        @dragAtMaxAoA = 1.46484375

        name = FARWingAerodynamicModel
        MAC = 11.7
        e = 0.87
        MidChordSweep = 32.5
        ctrlaxis = none
        b_2 = 9
        TaperRatio = 0.143
        rootMidChordOffsetFromOrig = 0.0, 3, -1.0

    %RSSROConfig = True
        %scale = 1.5625,1.5625,1.5625
        @position = 0.779390625, -4.236828125, 0.668015625
    @node_stack_elevon = 4.66115625, -9.967234375, 0.81553125, 0, -1, 0, 2
    @title = Space Shuttle Wing - Right
    %manufacturer = Rockwell International
    @mass = 5.0
    @maxTemp = 2800
    %skinMaxTemp = 3600
    @CoLOffset = 3.125, -3.125, -0.390625   
        @deflectionLiftCoeff = 12.20703125
        @dragAtMaxAoA = 1.46484375

        name = FARWingAerodynamicModel
        MAC = 11.7
        e = 0.87
        MidChordSweep = 32.5
        ctrlaxis = none
        b_2 = 9
        TaperRatio = 0.143
        rootMidChordOffsetFromOrig = 0.0, 3, -1.0

    %RSSROConfig = True
        %scale = 1.5625,1.5625,1.5625
    @title = Space Shuttle Elevon - Left
    %manufacturer = Rockwell International
    @mass = 0.2
    @maxTemp = 2800
    %skinMaxTemp = 3600
        @dragCoeff = 1.220703125
        @deflectionLiftCoeff = 6.884765625
        @ctrlSurfaceArea = 2.44140625

        name = FARControllableSurface
        MAC = 2
        e = 0.9
        nonSideAttach = 1
        maxdeflect = 35
        MidChordSweep = 0
        b_2 = 9
        TaperRatio = 1

    %RSSROConfig = True
        %scale = 1.5625,1.5625,1.5625
    @title = Space Shuttle Elevon - Right
    %manufacturer = Rockwell International
    @mass = 0.2
    @maxTemp = 2800
    %skinMaxTemp = 3600
        @dragCoeff = 1.220703125
        @deflectionLiftCoeff = 6.884765625
        @ctrlSurfaceArea = 2.44140625

        name = FARControllableSurface
        MAC = 2
        e = 0.9
        nonSideAttach = 1
        maxdeflect = 35
        MidChordSweep = 0
        b_2 = 9
        TaperRatio = 1

    %RSSROConfig = True
        %scale = 1.5625,1.5625,1.5625
    @title = Space Shuttle Tail
    %manufacturer = Rockwell International
    @mass = 3
    @maxTemp = 2800
    %skinMaxTemp = 3600
        @dragCoeff = 1.46484375
        @deflectionLiftCoeff = 8.5205078125
        @ctrlSurfaceArea = 2.44140625

however it overheats during ascent (have no idea what might be causing it) and doesn't cool down, also has an issue where the engines keep running even though there is no effect and the throttle is set to idle, only stops when shutdown

didn't test re-entry nor atmospheric flight, and didn't scale the mass according to the default settings (however I think I should...)


Have saved patch details to an internal file; likely it will need massive changes in to update to 1.1 and fix the overheating/etc problems (damn RealFuels engine module is a PITA to fix).

Also will need a full pass of FAR patches for these parts... no clue what is needed on those.