SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


SC-TANK-MFT - Adapters on bottom are placed incorrectly

blowfishpro opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Create MFT-A or MFT-B in the editor. Set mount type to one of the adapters. It is offset from the actual bottom of the model. This is not the case for selecting an adapter as the nose.


As I changed quite a bit regarding nose and mount positioning (to support the LC-FUEL model stacking), I've likely got some incorrect offset data entered for those models or am otherwise calculating the offset improperly for inverted parts. (likely the latter as for the LC parts it did not matter which way I calculated the offset as it was half of the tank height).

Will investigate this tonight/tomorrow for the next release.


Does this effect all mounts/etc on the bottom, or only specific mounts/adapters?


Only the adapters, it seems. Mounts are fine. The Soyuz tanks seem fine too.


Indeed, I was setting the offset improperly for models that were inverted on the bottom of the tank.

Fixed in dev; will be available with the next update.


Now the adapters are correct but the mounts are not. Should this be re-opened or should I make a new issue?


Ruh roh... re-opened.

Sadly I'm right in the middle of doing the resource-tank update stuff (nearly there) so might not be able to post an fixed release until later this evening.


Note to self: Test other related things after you 'fix' something :)


Update published, all seemed to work well (mounts, adapters, noses, etc)