SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


New Parts: Engine Clusters for Ship Core

shadowmage45 opened this issue ยท 1 comments



  • One part per engine cluster / variant (implemented)
  • Layouts defined through config - no static models, everything is mix'n'match through config-based definitions. (implemented)
  • Ability to use stock/mod engines to create -new- engine clusters (config/patch based, not @ runtime) (implemented)
  • Uses model load-on-demand mechanics for optimization and clean implementation (implemented)
  • Allows use of animations, for extendable engine bells. (Not-Yet-Implemented)
  • Dynamic engine-mount/shroud swapping capability (with attach-node moving/part offsetting). No mount, per-engine mount, and single per-cluster mounts all valid options. (implemented)
  • Can scale mounts and engines independently of each other, and independent of the inter-engine spacing (implemented)
  • Can adjust engine spacing for specific mounts through mount-definition overrides (implemented)
  • Allows for easy adding of new / user defined cluster layouts. Layouts are defined as a simple as simple scalable positions which are then scaled for each engine-cluster layout depending upon its specific settings.(implemented)
  • Dynamic repositioning and adjustment of SSTUNodeFairing depending upon the config settings and current mount option.(implemented)
  • Allow use of stock / other mods' models to create new engine mount options, including height offset and inverting the model if needed. (implemented)

Models (engines, mounts, adapter plates):


  • None yet - coming soon


Micro (<0.375m) :
  • None yet - NEED DATAS on micro motors
X-Small (<0.75m) :
  • AJ-10-133
  • RL10A3
  • AJ10-190
  • Merlin-1B
  • RL-10-a4
  • Merlin-1C
  • H1
  • Merlin-1B-Vacuum
  • Merlin-1C-Vacuum
  • J2
  • RL10B2
  • Merlin-1D
Large (<1.875m):
  • LR-87
  • RS-25 (released)
  • RS-69
  • Merlin-1D-Vacuum
X-Large (<2.25m)
  • J2X
  • RS-69B
  • F1B
  • RS-68
XX-Large (<2.625m)
  • F1 (next for modeling/finishing)
  • RD-170
XXX-Large (<3m)
  • None Yet (NEED DATA/custom geometry)

Basic implemention is complete. All that remains is adding more models over time, and bugfixing/maintenance.