SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


New Parts - Ship Core A1, A2, A3, B - Fuel Tank End caps and Nosecones

shadowmage45 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Current intent is to add additional mesh-switch capability to fuel tanks to enable adding a nosecone or various adapters.


  • Integrated into fuel tanks - no additional parts required
  • Top and bottom switchable independently
  • Adds additional fuel capacity of the same fuel type as the main tank
  • Can move/remove attach nodes properly for adapter, multi-coupler, or nosecone use / drag considerations.
  • Independently configurable texture switch from the main tank; however top + bottom caps remain linked (limitation of transform-naming system; investigating solutions)
  • re-use geometry for top+bottom caps, auto clone + flip, rename to same mesh name for texture-swapping purposes


  • textures - lots and lots of parts to texture - initial basic colors pass done, but needs attentive normals and spec work.
  • 3.75m attach node positions (whole config is borked at the moment)
  • investigate adding flag transform (on intertank?) -- could even be a separate always-present model

List of current nosecones; need textures finished

Nosecone 1 (ET Top) (rescaled for 1.25m, 2.5m, 3.75m)
Nosecone 2 (ET Bottom, stretched) (rescaled for 1.25m, 2.5m, 3.75m)
Nosecone 3 (ET Top, short) (rescaled for 1.25m, 2.5m, 3.75m)
Nosecone 4 (ET Bottom) (rescaled for 1.25m, 2.5m, 3.75m)
Nosecone 5 (Delta-IV) (rescaled for 1.25m, 2.5m, 3.75m)
5m -> 3.75m (short) (4:3) (re-used for 3.75m -> 5m)
5m -> 3.75m (long) (4:3) (re-used for 3.75m -> 5m)
5m -> 3.75m (flat) (4:3) (re-used for 3.75m -> 5m)
5m -> 2.5m (short) (2:1) (rescaled for 2.5m -> 1.25m) (re-used for 2.5m -> 5m)
5m -> 2.5m (long) (2:1) (rescaled for 2.5m -> 1.25m) (re-used for 2.5m -> 5m)
5m -> 2.5m (flat) (2:1) (rescaled for 2.5m -> 1.25m) (re-used for 2.5m -> 5m)
3.75m -> 2.5m (long) (3:2) (re-used for 2.5m -> 3.75m)
3.75m -> 2.5m (short) (3:2) (re-used for 2.5m -> 3.75m)
3.75m -> 2.5m (flat) (3:2) (re-used for 2.5m -> 3.75m)
3.75m -> 1.25m (long) (3:1) (re-used for 1.25m -> 3.75m)
3.75m -> 1.25m (short) (3:1) (re-used for 1.25m -> 3.75m)
3.75m -> 1.25m (flat) (3:1) (re-used for 1.25m -> 3.75m)
5m -> 5m x2 (bi-coupler) (1:1) (rescaled for 1.25m, 2.5m, 3.75m)
5m -> 5m x3 (tri-coupler) (1:1) (rescaled for 1.25m, 2.5m, 3.75m)
5m -> 5m x4 (quad-coupler) (1:1) (rescaled for 1.25m, 2.5m, 3.75m)
5m -> 3.75m x2 (bi-coupler) (4:3)
5m -> 3.75m x3 (tri-coupler) (4:3)
5m -> 3.75m x4 (quad-coupler) (4:3)
5m -> 2.5m x2 (bi-coupler) (2:1) (rescaled for 2.5m)
5m -> 2.5m x3 (tri-coupler) (2:1) (rescaled for 2.5m)
5m -> 2.5m x4 (quad-coupler) (2:1) (rescaled for 2.5m)
3.75m -> 2.5m x2 (bi-coupler) (3:2)
3.75m -> 2.5m x3 (tri-coupler) (3:2)
3.75m -> 2.5m x4 (quad-coupler) (3:2)
3.75m -> 1.25m x2 (bi-coupler) (3:1)
3.75m -> 1.25m x3 (tri-coupler) (3:1)
3.75m -> 1.25m x4 (quad-coupler) (3:1)