SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


Right click UI issue

taterkerman opened this issue ยท 3 comments


When a texture (or adapter, docking port, etc) name exceeds ~10 characters, it uses 2 lines, though only one is available. Makes it hard to read.



Sadly this is a stock bug with the UI widget that I can do nothing to solve (at least the UI formatting end of things).

The only option on my end would be to truncate those display values at ~10 chars. This would require altering the code on all of the UI control setup bits to pass in a different value for display vs. the actual data value (which is probably 60-80 different UI controls to update, spread across quite a few different modules).

Honestly, I think they are more readable like that than they were in 1.1.3 with the values being cut off randomly.

Will take a look over the code though and see what it would take to manually truncate those values. If I have to do it on every single UI control individually, I'll likely just leave it as-is.

Edit: The problem with truncating the values is that 90% of the adapters/selections would all end up displaying the same 10 chars (adapter-xxxx).


This seems to be an unfortunate thing that happened to UI_ChooseOption in a very late prelease (if not 1.2 final). Probably nothing modders can do, unfortunately.


Figured I'd toss it out here, I noticed it as a new behavior. My first reaction was to try and drag the UI window slightly wider, but that's not a thing :) .