SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


New Parts - Non-Framed Spherical tanks

shadowmage45 opened this issue ยท 0 comments

  • Can use most of the existing meshes and textures from the framed spherical tanks.
  • Needs body variants to include end-cap size selection. Or could they be done as adapters? Doesn't seem likely as the AO will need to change along with the end-cap size; having them as body variants seems to be the only answer.
  • Can include them all into the 'MFT-SF' part as body variant styles.?
    • Framed (4-lengths)
    • Small End-cap, one-end (4-lengths?)
    • Small End-cap, both ends (4-lengths?)
    • Large End-cap, one-end (4-lengths?)
    • Large End-cap, both ends (4-lengths?)
    • 16 new models, most can share or re-use geometry
    • 1 or more new AO maps - end-caps need their own AO, one for each size; joints inbetween tanks
  • Alternatively, make it a 'single' length, with multiple body variants; only (at least) 4 new models needed, still need at least 1 new AO map