SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


SC-D initial testing

Jimbodiah opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Just tried it out, look cool already ! :)

  • there are 3600 units of aerozine/nto in the SM, should this be so much (2400 m/s dV)?
  • when using the LES it blows up the SM, probably the flame damage is turned on?
  • the main chutes of the capsule keep the pod tilted a little like it is with drogue chutes, not sure if this was intended?
  • when splashed down the capsule keeps sinking
  • the SM engine flames are huge and too far away from the nozzles

Will test more tomorrow.


It is only intended for testing in the editor for geometry / physical design purposes.

I'm not yet doing anything about its functions/balance/etc, and it is certainly not intended to be used or tested in the flight scene.

Basically right now I'm making sure that it fits in the adapters, attach-node positions are setup properly, and that there are no ugly seams or clipping when the craft is put together.


Hahaha, so I made a false start. It works pretty well for a clay model :)