SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited

SSTU - Shadow Space Technologies Unlimited


Installation Issue.

KamikazeKricket opened this issue ยท 5 comments



First of all I'd like to say that these mods are great and I really enjoy playing with them. However since I installed the new update, I can't play with them. All the tanks on the lander pods have disappeared, so have most of the Pods as well. I think the problem is mainly how I'm installing them into the game.

If someone could tell me where to put everything, that'd be great. I can't remember how I did it the first time, and now I've managed to mess things up.

Thanks in advance.


All you need is the SSTU x.137 download from github, and make sure you also have Community Resource Pack

Your bare GameData folder should look like this for SSTU:



@Jimbodiah's instructions are pretty much the basics of it.

If that doesn't work out for you, could you please attach/upload/post a screenshot of your game-data folder?

If that doesn't work out / lead anywhere, please upload your log files (KSP.log), as they might also have some information in them on what is messed up.


I got it working now. It seems it was how I was putting some wrong files in the wrong places. The only issue now is that the new command module added doesn't have any textures. I don't know if thats me, or if its just because its a work in progress.

Thanks for the quick response guys, and once again nice work.


The V modules have no textures yet, it is WIP


That is correct -- the SC-V (VA) parts are un-textured currently. They should be bright white :)

Sounds like you got it all sorted out, so closing this for now.